Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you're in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that's the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anythin...
A good manager is a man who isn’t worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him. ~ HSM Burns This sums up a lot of management quotes. The role of the manager is to help develop others. Management by objective works – if you know the objectives. Ni...
A favorite childhood story and moral tale, The Little Prince, has lots of wisdom to teach about the value of time and a little bit more. Like the good things in life we fail to appreciate, we also take for granted achievements that require very little time or effort. For example, perhap...
Don't do that to yourself! Most of us have a mountain of things to be grateful for. Unfortunately, we don't always take the time to appreciate them. Let's change that today. Realize how blessed you are and let that fuel your entire work day. 🎧 Hear my thoughts on getting out ...
It hardly befits a people who stand ready to blow up the planet to praise themselves too vigorously for having found the true way to talk about nature.Steven Johnson: Everything Bad Is Good For You Now, I have no doubt that playing today's games does in fact improve your visual ...
“You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.”– Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela does know that there are times you have to take the lead. When you are going into a bad situation, that’s when you put others in the passenger seat and take ...
Indecisive Video Customer: I don't think your manager would appreciate it if... Randal Graves: I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am. Indecisive Video Customer: I beg your pardon? Randal Graves: Your ruse. Your cunning attempt to trick me. ...
(A manager) once confided in me she liked to picture in her mind's eye that every employee was wearing one of those sandwich billboard signs. On the front side, the sign would read 'Appreciate Me' and on the back side 'Make Me Feel Important.' —James Hunter ...
“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”– Oscar Wilde “Do your job and demand your compensation – but in that order.”– Cary Grant “If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cu...
“I've seen my own death in dreams like this and it's helped me appreciate life more. I've also seen my own life in dreams and it's helped me appreciate death more.” — Marilyn Manson American rock musician and actor 1969 Source: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell Life, Death, Dre...