Since June 1997, Australia has run its first nationally coordinated mass media anti-smoking campaign, with all States collaborating to offer a standard Quitline service. An overview of the Australian national Quitline service is presented as well as two studies describing (a) the relationship betwee...
(Medical Xpress)—Plain, standardised tobacco packaging sparked a 78 per cent increase in calls to an Australian stop-smoking helpline just one month after its introduction, figures in theMedical Journal of Australiashow. The study by the University of Sydney and the Cancer Institute New South Wa...
Trying to Quit Smoking? Recent Study Reveals Friends and Family Are Keywww.DrivenToQuit.caSmokersHelpline.cawww.cancer.caldomenichiniontario.cancer.cadpdppr.caHealthcarepapers
Promoting smoking cessation in the United States: effect of public service announcements on the Cancer Information Service telephone line BACKGROUND: Although many smokers report making attempts to quit, few seek help or are successful in their attempts. Some of the barriers to seeking help c... ...