QUIKRETE® Concrete Mix (No. 1101) is the original 4000 psi average compressive strength blend of portland cement, sand, and gravel or stone. Just add water.
QUIKRETE Form & Pour Concrete Mix MS说明书 PRODUCT USE QUIKRETE ® Form & Pour Concrete Mix MS is designed for the following uses:• Large volume, full depth structural repairs to concrete bridges, parking structures, industrial floors, and balconies.• Structural repairs where the quantities...
Quikrete® Concrete Mix Original 4000 psi average compressive strength blend of Portland cement, sand, and gravel or stone. Just add water. Use for any general concrete work. Use For Sidewalks Downspout Troughs Steps Floors Patios Available In 40 lb bag - 70 / Pallet 60 lb bag - 56 /...
ConcreteMixexceedsthecompressivestrength requirementsofASTMC387,asshowninTable1. TABLE1TYPICALCOMPRESSIVESTRENGTH 1 Compressivestrength,ASTMC39 AgeTypicalValues 7days2500psi(17.2MPa) 28days4000psi(27.6MPa) SlumpRange2”–3”(51-76mm) 1 TestedunderlaboratoryconditionsinaccordancewithASTMC387 ...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 资格/认证考试--公务员考试 文档标签: PRODUCTGUIDE-Quikrete 系统标签: quikreteguideproductpalletconcretemix .quikrete PRODUCTGUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCRETEMIXES...3 MORTAR&MASONRYPRODUCTS...4 PORTLAND&MASONRYCEMENTS...6 CONCRETEREPAIR&WATERPROOFING......