Create a quick measureTo create a quick measure in Power BI Desktop, right-click or select the ellipsis ... next to any item in the Fields pane, and choose New quick measure from the menu that appears.You can also right-click or select the drop-down arrow next to any value in the ...
Create a quick measureTo create a quick measure in Power BI Desktop, right-click or select the ellipsis ... next to any item in the Fields pane, and choose New quick measure from the menu that appears.You can also right-click or select the drop-down arrow next to any value in the ...
Quick measure contains a set of DAX queries that runs in the background and the result will show in your report. So, you don't need to write any DAX query in Power Bi. When you create a quick measure, it will be added in to your table and the calculation that's running behind ...
We’ll evaluate the DAX statement and may use it as the basis of a future quick measure – you can even get your name immortalized in Power BI Desktop! » Подробнее Чтотакое Power BI? Power BI —этонаборсредствбизнес-аналитик...
Quick measures, a new feature we released in our April Power BI Desktop update, lets you quickly create new measures based on measures and numerical columns in your table. These new measures become… » További tudnivalók Power BI Desktop April Feature Summary Announcements Features április ...
打开New Quick Measure,可以自动生成的计算主要分6个大类,之下还有若干小类。随便把每个大类下抽一个 做成例子演示一下。 数据还是用之前分享Power BI基础时的数据。 1. Average per category 不解释概念,直接用数字说话。 随便拉一个Matrix (矩阵表),先看看我们今天要研究的数据。 横行是Segment 内容,竖列是Cate...
Enable measure suggestions To enable the feature, you will need to first navigate to theOptionsmenu of Power BI Desktop and turn on the preview switch forQuick measure suggestions: After you have enabled the feature, you can access the Quick measure suggestions, by launching Quick measure from ...
早在本系列开篇里(【Quick BI VS Power BI】(一))我提到,Qbi比Pbi更像Excel的数据透视表。因为前者和Excel一样,都是基于一张数据源表(数据集)去创建图表。而Pbi则是基于多表模型,此外还有一系列的比如treatas、userelationship等函数去搭建复杂的图表关联。正是这个底层逻辑的区别,导致两者在很多方面,尤其是图表数...
QuickBI(以下简称Qbi)做数据分析有5个模块:仪表板、电子表格、数据大屏、即席分析和自主取数。其中仪表板和即席分析比较接近于Power BI(以下简称Pbi)制作的报告。本文的比较对象,主要指Qbi的仪表板和Pbi的报告。 我一直诟病Pbi图表设置能力很多方面还不如Excel,哪怕它每月更新,且已经持续了七八个年头。很多Excel本就...
隐藏或取消隐藏语义模型中的列。 Power BI 快速见解不会搜索隐藏列,因此请隐藏重复或不必要的列,并取消隐藏感兴趣的列。 使用混合的数据类型,例如名称、时间、日期和数字。 避免使用(或隐藏)包含重复信息的列。 复制数据会浪费搜索有意义模式的宝贵时间。 例如,一个列包含省/市/自治区名称的完整拼法,而另一个列...