To create a quick measure in Power BI Desktop, right-click or select the ellipsis ... next to any item in the Fields pane, and choose New quick measure from the menu that appears.You can also right-click or select the drop-down arrow next to any value in the Values well for an ...
废话不多说了,打开Power BI Desktop,抬头找下‘New Quick Measure'. 或者选中'FIELDS'里面的table,右键第三个就可以看到’New Quick Measure'.这个真的对于开始不太懂DAX的又想做出比较复杂数据值的用户,非常的有用。 2017年4月开始,微软出了这个自动生成DAX计算的New Quick Measure。所以就是3点,1他是一个自...
Um das Feature zu aktivieren, müssen Sie zunächst zum MenüOptionenvon Power BI Desktop navigieren und den Vorschauschalter fürQuickmeasurevorschlägeaktivieren: Nachdem Sie das Feature aktiviert haben, können Sie auf die Quickmeasurevorschläge zugreifen, indem Sie Quickmeasure über die...
Quick measures, a new feature we released in our April Power BI Desktop update, lets you quickly create new measures based on measures and numerical columns in your table. These new measures become… » อ่านเพิ่มเติม Power BI Desktop April Feature Summary...
We’ll evaluate the DAX statement and may use it as the basis of a future quick measure – you can even get your name immortalized in Power BI Desktop! » Подробнее Чтотакое Power BI? Power BI —этонаборсредствбизнес-аналитик...
废话不多说了,打开Power BI Desktop,抬头找下‘New Quick Measure. 或者选中FI LDS里面的table,右键第三个就可以看到’New Quick Measure.这个真的对于开始不太懂DAX的又 想做出比较复杂数据值的用户,非常的有用。 2017年4月开始,微软出了这个自动生成DAX计算的New Quick Measure。所以就是3点,1他是一个自动生...
To enable the feature, you will need to first navigate to theOptionsmenu of Power BI Desktop and turn on the preview switch forQuick measure suggestions: After you have enabled the feature, you can access the Quick measure suggestions, by launching Quick measure from the Home or Modeling tab...
Quick BI和Power BI分别是阿里云和微软云上的官方BI产品,两款产品都是比较好的自助式商业智能软件,都具备云BI的优势,既能够像SaaS运行在阿里云或者Azure云上,又能快速部署到本地的服务器中运行。但是,两款产品还是有非常大的区别的;比如Power BI微软主打的是组合策略,需要Power BI Desktop、Power Query、Excel等多...
Quick insights in Power BICompleted 100 XP 7 minutes The Power BI service can automatically look for insights in a dashboard, report, or dataset.Video: Quick insightsFrom the list of items in your workspace, select the ellipsis beside the dataset that you're interested in and then select ...
Power BI如下所示: 二、Quick BI对比Power BI:数据处理和建模 Quick BI支持自助式建模,和SQL建模两种方式,通过网页版连接到数据库,映射成逻辑表,可以直接对大数据量的数据表做数据集管理和处理,并支持对特定数据库的加速;Quick BI图示如下: Power BI网页版无数据建模功能,需要安装Power BI Desktop版连接本地数据库...