Employee feedback is defined as a process of giving constructive suggestions to the employees by their reporting managers and peers.
What’s the key to good 360 feedback questions? Feedback is crucial to understand how an organization’s employees are supported by management and assisted in their development. For an employee, it’s useful to understand how their work and efforts are being perceived by others, and how they...
Making time for reflection after a long week of multitasking, meetings, getting to inbox zero, and putting out fires can be difficult. By encouraging employees to share feedback in a work journal or fill out a15Five Check-inat the end of every week (and doing so yourself), you’ll gain...
This employee feedback survey will tell you how your employees feel and can also offer new ideas to improve your business. Park your ego and encourage your staff to be brutal and honest. It’s a different platform than a performance reviewLet’s face it when you sit down for an employee...
Is the feedback you receive from your manager specific and actionable? Considering all the factors we’ve covered above, we’ve put together a list of 28 questions that can help you find out whether your employees feel engaged or not. You can regard it as a point of departure for writing...
Are the training objectives clearly defined for you? Do you think the topic(s) of the training program is relevant to your job tasks? Do you have questions about the upcoming course? Also read:How to Create a Training Plan for Employees ...
4. How would you rate your interaction with our employees? It is always essential to understand if the efforts of your customer-facing employees are having a positive impact on customers. You can present this question as a simple rating scale from 1 to 5 or by having them select from a ...
Ask employees for feedback about the kind of benefits they'd like to see Communicate available benefits and rewards—employees can't use a benefit if they don't know it exists! 4. Have you considered the impact of technology on your team? Technology is rapidly changing, and two things in...
The organizational culture at Eir is one that puts its customers and employees first. Eir believes in continued growth and development to help our employees succeed and move up in their roles. Eir recently started a leadership development and mentorship program to help shape the future leaders in...
When I was first asked this question, I thought it was just used for feedback to the company....