论文笔记QuAC : Question Answering in Context QuAC是一个18年发表的数据集,全称是Question Answering in Context. 中文翻译过来就是:结合了语境的问答数据集。实验的baseline 和实验结果的排行榜可以在http://quac.ai上找到。 这篇论文与以往的数据集最大的不同是: 1. 提问者没有预先看passage,只知道主题,然后...
Designing interactive QA systems has always been a challenging task in natural language processing and used as a benchmark to evaluate machine's ability of natural language understanding. However, such systems often struggle when the question answering is carried out in multiple turns by the users ...
We present QuAC, a dataset for Question Answering in Context that contains 14K information-seeking QA dialogs (100K questions in total). The dialogs involve two crowd workers: (1) a student who poses a sequence of freeform questions to learn as much as possible about a hidden Wikipedia text...
M,Hackett-Renner, C.Question answering in the context of telephone surveys, business interactions and interviews. Discourse Processes . 1990Graesser, A. C,Roberts, R. M,Hackett-Renner, C.Question answering in the context of telephone surveys, business interactions and interviews.Discourse Processes....
Enhancing In-Context Learning with Answer Feedback for Multi-Span Question Answering paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.04508arxiv.org/abs/2306.04508 0 Abstract 尽管最近出现的像ChatGPT这样的大型语言模型(LLM)表现出了令人印象深刻的总体性能,但在multi-span问答等特定任务上,它与完全监督模型仍有...
Tests the QUEST model of question answering in naturalistic settings and in settings with complex pragmatic constraints: telephone surveys, business interactions, filmed interviews, and interviews on popular television programs. Finds that QUEST explains most of the answers in these contexts and virtually...
Compared to the traditional single-turn question answering (QA) based on text, also known as machine reading comprehension (MRC), conversational MRC tasks aim to enable models to understand the question according to not only the information in the passage but also the previous question-answer pairs...
For comprehensive analysis, two frameworks (i.e., a pipeline framework, an end-to-end framework) are proposed to focus on answering single-relation factoid questions. In both of two frameworks, the effect of context information on the quality of QA is studied, such as the entity's notable ...
Answer GeneratorsNatural Language ProcessingQuestion Answering (QA) is concerned with building systems that automatically answer questions given by humans in a natural language. Most of the successful appK, LakshmiRaseekSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Japanese Question-Answering System for Contextual Questions Using Simple Connection Method, Decreased Adding with Multiple Answers, and Selection by Ratio Masaki Murata, Masao Utiyama and Hitoshi Isahara, "Japanese Question-Answering System For Contextual Questions Using Simple Connection Method, Decreased Ad...