QuAC是一个18年发表的数据集,全称是Question Answering in Context. 中文翻译过来就是:结合了语境的问答数据集。实验的baseline 和实验结果的排行榜可以在http://quac.ai上找到。 这篇论文与以往的数据集最大的不同是: 1. 提问者没有预先看passage,只知道主题,然后跟着主题自由提问。这么做,可以避免提问者受文本...
QuAC (Question Answering in Context)是一个用于评估问答系统的指标。该指标主要关注在给定上下文的情况下,系统是否能够正确回答问题。QuAC使用了一种开放领域的数据集,其中包含问题、上下文和参考答案。系统需要在给定的上下文中理解问题,并生成准确的回答。 QuAC指标主要通过计算系统生成的回答与参考答案之间的相似度来评...
【机器阅读理解数据集】QuAC : Question Answering in Context #开源论文# 本文提出了一个基于上下文的机器阅读理解数据集QuAC,该数据集存在两类人群:Student和Teacher。Student依次提出一系列自由式的问题,而...
We present QuAC, a dataset for Question Answering in Context that contains 14K information-seeking QA dialogs (100K questions in total). The dialogs involve two crowd workers: (1) a student who poses a sequence of freeform questions to learn as much as possible about a hidden Wikipedia text...
[1] Choi E, He H, Iyyer M, et al. Quac: Question answering in context[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.07036, 2018.[2] Rajpurkar P, Zhang J, Lopyrev K, et al. Squad: 100,000+ questions for machine comprehension of text[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05250, 2016.[3] Reddy S...
Question Answering in Context is a large-scale dataset that consists of around 14K crowdsourced Question Answering dialogs with 98K question-answer pairs in total. Data instances consist of an interactive dialog between two crowd workers: (1) a student w