名称HuggingFace 模型链接HuggingFace 空间链接语言 英文图片文档问题生成器 🦅https://huggingface.co/svjack/question_generator_by_en_on_pichttps://huggingface.co/spaces/svjack/Question-Generator-on-English-DocEnglish 中文图片文档问题生成器 🐰https://huggingface.co/svjack/question_generator_by_zh_on_...
答:它QuestionAnsweringTrainer是用于 QA 任务的 Trainer 对象的特定子类。如果您要训练模型以在 SQUAD 数据集上进行评估,那么 是QuestionAnsweringTrainer最合适Trainer使用的对象。 [建议]:HuggingFace 开发者和开发倡导者很可能应该在QuestionAnsweringTrainerhttps://huggingface.co/course/chapter7/7?fw=pt中的对象上添...
Figure 2:Substitution Methods. An illustration of substitution types and their rules, whereby the original answer a is replaced by a substitution answer a′, sourced either from Wikidata W or the set of answers appearing in the training dataset D. type(\overline a) yields the answer type, an...
🔖Huggingface 2022-10-27 20:01阅读: 68评论: 0推荐: 0 Question_Answering 代码地址:新建标签页 (github.com) 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dU4y1C7so/?p=4&vd_source=91219057315288b0881021e879825aa3 阅读理解 加载数据 fromdatasetsimportload_dataset dataset=load_dataset("./data/clone/...
Extractive Question Answering Given Context with SQuad Overview This Jupyter notebook trains a model to perform extractive question answering using the SQuAD dataset. The model takes a context paragraph and a question as input, and identifies the answer span from the context paragraph. ...
The default sample model training configuration can be found at:NeMo/examples/nlp/question_answering/conf/qa_conf.yaml The configuration defines parameters for the following main components: model.dataset: parameters that describe the dataset being used, ex. max sequence length, max query length, max...
Learn the current state-of-the-art models (such as BLIP, GIT, and BLIP2) for visual question answering with huggingface transformers library in Python.Manas Gupta · Abdeladim Fadheli · 24 min read · Updated jun 2023 · 1.8K · Machine Learning · Computer Vision · Natural Language ...
The Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) is a popular question answering benchmark dataset. BERT (at the time of the release) obtains state-of-the-art results on SQuAD with almost no task-specific network architecture modifications or data augmentation. However, it does require semi-complex...
nlp huggingface-transformers nlp-question-answering Share Improve this question Follow asked Feb 15, 2023 at 12:17 zakaria hamdane 3966 bronze badges Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 0 What I found is that it is not really feasible to fine-tune T5 LLM word embeddings...
florence_2_dataset generation zero_shot_exp .gitignore LICENSE README.md docmatix_thumbnail.png README MIT license Docmatix Docmatix is a comprehensive dataset designed for Document Visual Question Answering (DocVQA). It provides a robust collection of document images paired with corresponding ques...