(这里要再次夸一下huggingface源码的可读性,对新手真是极度友好) 我们对源码的数据处理流程进行一个简单的介绍:SquadExample、SquadFeatures、SquadResult 这三个类是最关键的,SquadExample 是数据集经过处理后提取出的example,使用id进行索引,每个example都包括passage、question、answer等属性,但是passage、question、answer...
The Natural Questions corpus is a question answering dataset containing 307,373 training examples, 7,830 development examples, and 7,842 test examples. Each example is comprised of a google.com query and a corresponding Wikipedia page. Each Wikipedia pag
HuggingFace has made a significant stride in AI-driven video analysis and understanding with the release of FineVideo, an expansive and versatile dataset focused on... Windows Agent Arena (WAA): A Scalable Open-Sourced Windows AI Agent Platform for... Asif Razzaq - September 15, 2024 0 Ar...
transformers differ in the type of pretraining objective used to tune the model parameters. GPT is trained to predict the next word given a context of words9. GPT (XL) follows the same objective but trains for longer on a larger dataset50. Both models are fully autoregressive. BERT...
'question': 'What is the name of the repository ?', ... 'context': 'Pipeline has been included in the huggingface/transformers repository' ... }) {'score': 0.30970096588134766, 'start': 34, 'end': 58, 'answer': 'huggingface/transformers'} In addition to the answer, the pretrained ...
This project utilizes parts of code from the following open-source repositories:langchain,BabyAGI,TaskMatrix,DataChad,streamlit. We also thank great AI platforms and all the used models or APIs:huggingface,modelscope. ✒️ Citation References to cite:...
Our final dataset contains about 57K formal-informal question pairs along with searched proof from the math contest forum and 21 new IMO questions. We open-source our code at https://github.com/InternLM/InternLM-Math and our data at https://huggingface.co/datasets/InternLM/Lean-Workbook. ...
0x2:Creating a Sufficiently Large Dataset 0x3:Selecting an Efficient Pre-Training Method 0x4:Choosing and Scaling a Model 0x5:Training 四、Experiments 五、Limitations 一、Abstract 最先进的计算机视觉系统被训练用以预测一组预定的固定目标类别。这种受限的监督方式限制了它们的通用性和可用性,因为需要额外的...
In 2021, as we initiated the project development, we constructed our contributions aboveJuryand HuggingFace Evaluate, for which we express our gratitude. The project files explicitly state license details.
⭐ Datasets by Huggingface [GitHub, 19096 stars] 🗂️ Big Bad NLP Database ⭐ UWA Unambiguous Word Annotations - Word Sense Disambiguation Dataset ⭐ MLDoc - Corpus for Multilingual Document Classification in Eight Language [GitHub, 152 stars] Word and Sentence embeddings: ⭐ Awesome Embe...