QuestItem addon for vanilla World of Warcraft. If you have ever had a quest item you have no idea which quest it belongs to, and if it safe to destroy, this AddOn is for you. QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to. ...
-- If we were reading details when we switch maps, change back to normal quests hooksecurefunc(WorldMapFrame, "OnMapChanged", function() if (self.selectedTab == WQT_TabDetails) then self:SelectTab(WQT_TabNormal); end end) -- Update when opening the map WorldMapFrame:HookScript("On...
H.A.L.O. SystemDemonDropper - v1.4.1 STATUS: CLOSED - DO NOT USE - SEE SIGNATURE UPDATED: Re-Branded as L.E.A.P DESCRIPTION: Work-In-Progress. This will be my first official Addon for the ArmA community! This HALO System will allow you to Jump from sub-o