Wow Quest Narrator is a addon that reads out the quest text with the voices that the npcs uses when you click on them. It can help people to lean the stoy for a zone without having to read the quest text themself, well also fell like that the npcs are actually speaking to them. To...
This is an addon for World of Warcraft Classic (1.12). It helps players to find several ingame objects and quests. The addon reads questobjectives, parses them and uses its internal database to plot the found matches on the world- and minimap. It ships w
It may have been a WoW issue - when the character left Grizzly Hills and went on to Zul'Drak, the sounds started working properly on all quests._ForgeUser1196255 View user profile Send message August 22, 2013 3187529 This is a pretty easy fix, if you're so inclined. The problem is in...
A data-broker plug-in that adds up all of the items in your inventory & bank to retrieve a Wealth total. LivingBomber by boomboo. A simple Living Bomb monitor. It creates a bar per Living Bomb on a target. LoadIT by Saur. Allows in-game management of your addons. Using LoadIT, ...