动态码率,如果你不想使用固定码率,请在开启这个选项之后,在紧挨着的下一个选项中设置你想达到的最高码率值,最高200。 这个选项目前看来是给无线AirLink用的,你也可以在头显里面设置AirLinkl的码率,所以这个选项没有什么意义,你可以选择保持默认,也就是0,因为真正影响无线码率的是下面一个选项 动态码率和最大动态...
To be fair, when it works, AirLink is pure magic. So long as you have a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection (which is a requirement for any wireless streaming option here), and the software happens to work flawlessly – you can connect your Quest to your PC in seconds, and play PCVR ...
I have version 40 something on both as shown in the first tab of this tutorial. But in my beta settings on the oculus pc app, I don’t have the option to airlink. its just not there, does anyone have this issue or any solutions that doesn’t involve an airlink cable? Harlow Gunning...
AirLink is the official wireless streaming solution from Meta that allows you to play both desktop Meta/Oculus games and SteamVR. The main requirement is that you'll need theOculus desktop appinstalled on your PC. There are no additional apps needed on your headset; just open up theQuick Set...
分享286 oculus吧 ◎曾大件 【210428】用AIR link串流玩PC VR游戏时,从quest上启动没反应RT, airlink连接电脑后,进入资源库打开PC VR游戏,结果发现PC上运行了,但是quest上没有画面 如果从pc上启动,quest就会有画面,不知道怎么回事 分享212 噗哟噗哟吧 帕梅奈乐 【下载完毕】开始围观噗哟QUEST难得一见地燃起来了...
at least the quality on my Index, even with the outdated lenses, is much better than what I got on my Quest 2 via VD or Airlink and it’s more noticeable in fast games so racing is not the best option IMO but there should be some improvements on Q3 so hopefully it will be better...
Now i'm running Il2 on airlink, since i did not found any good cable in stores. Now to the questions and notes: - when i set resolution in Oculus app, for my Oculus 2, linear 1.0 is 3264x1648, not1832x1920 - will Oculus Debug work for Air Link?