串流后虚拟桌面扭头看的时候会卡顿,视野有一半及时刷新不出来显示黑色,视野边缘扭曲变形,airlink就没这些情况。 kubixiaoguo 1-20 1 新机激活返45刀 30刀余额15刀游戏 还有其他游戏折扣码 Quest激活助手 各种激活问题都可以帮忙解决,用我链接返30余额,加15刀游戏。另外还有各种游戏折扣可以。 Quest激活助手 ...
Hey all, So with Meta recently updating the Oculus Quest Desktop App (with improving AirLink) and SteamLink being released on Quest a few months ago, i was wondering what the general consensus of which method to use, to get the most stable connection and performance from VorpX (I need/pref...
【210426】Oculus Quest 2的PC和头盔升级V28方法及Airlink体验一、升级V28 1、准备工作 确保网络环境符合账号登录及下载条件。 其次最好头盔有线连接电脑,并且电脑端打开Oculus应用 2、PC端升级V28 一般步骤:PC端的Oculus应用→设置→公测版→打开公测渠道; 本人以及不少好友就是这样升级的。 如此步骤以后未升级V28,...
在“Quick Actions/快速操作”页面的右侧,单击“Oculus Air Link”按钮(可能会弹出“Air Link Requirements/要求”的提示,阅读相关要求,然后单击“Continue/继续”) 在下一个对话框中,在“Available Computers/可用计算机”选择你的PC,单击“Pair/配对”,然后单击启动。 4. 使用Oculus Air Link运行Oculus PC和SteamVR...
I have version 40 something on both as shown in the first tab of this tutorial. But in my beta settings on the oculus pc app, I don’t have the option to airlink. its just not there, does anyone have this issue or any solutions that doesn’t involve an airlink cable?
分享286 oculus吧 ◎曾大件 【210428】用AIR link串流玩PC VR游戏时,从quest上启动没反应RT, airlink连接电脑后,进入资源库打开PC VR游戏,结果发现PC上运行了,但是quest上没有画面 如果从pc上启动,quest就会有画面,不知道怎么回事 分享212 噗哟噗哟吧 帕梅奈乐 【下载完毕】开始围观噗哟QUEST难得一见地燃起来了...
首先你得在手机的Oculus APP上配对设备后在设置里开发者模式中打开开发者模式,如果没有注册开发者,就去注册下。 下载并解压ADB [传送门] ,ADB是安卓手机辅助工具包,可以直接个人电脑上控制安卓系统设备的工具,Windows下同时还需要安装下驱动,下载包应该自带的。没有去这:Oculus ADB Driver ...
Allow the PC Meta Quest app to setup your play area using the camera on your headset. Load the Rift game library by navigating to the Games tab and Bob’s your uncle! How to connect Meta Quest 3 to your PC wirelessly Method 1: via Airlink Airlink is in the experimental stage, and ...
When I attempt to do AirLink between my Quest 2 and my PC with an Arc a770 16GB, the Quest 2 is telling me that the GPU is not supported. Man, I had an only Radeon r570 and it worked fine. The Arc a770 is leaps and bounds more powerful than that. Please ensure someone is ...
QUEST需要使用有线和PC电脑连在同一个路由器下,且PC电脑上装有怪库加速器 无线:QUEST与PC主机在同一局域网wifi下(PC最好用网线连接路由器),且PC电脑上装有怪库加速器 二、PC电脑的设置 1、下载安装或更新最新版的怪库加速器 2、选择全部游戏->主机->选择Quest/Meta通用 3、返回主界面,启动加速,加速成功后,...