答:新安装的UNIT内置的ADB版本冲突。比如你在用Unity2022.3打包出现这个问题,我的做法是,把Unity2021安装路径里面对应的ADB拷贝到当前Unity2022.3文件夹中覆盖。大致的路径是sdk--platform。 Q5:应用莫名闪退,尤其或升级了SDK、关闭了防护边界等操作后应用不稳定。 答:真干活儿还是需要稳定的版本,例如我验证过:Unity版...
An app launcher for Oculus Quest implemented in Unity. Features Supports launching both 3D and 2D apps Auto-categorizes apps as Quest, Go / GearVR or 2D Support for custom categorization Support for custom app icons and names (by default, uses app name and icon from the app's apk) ...
Oculus Demos by using Oculus Quest Passthrough API, Unity, and DJI Tello - dilmerv/OculusPassthroughDrone
这些更改的范围与Unity Quest开发的最新改进类似。 由于Quest是一款拥有独立平台的一体式头显,因此需要测试应用程序在头显上的运行方式,开发人员需要打包该应用程序,然后将其部署到头显中,随后才能对其进行测试。因为从开始打包到在头显中看到应用的过程可能要花费几分钟,所以测试微小的更改非常耗时。迭代时间(可以快 ...
Repro steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Enter Play Mode with Quest connected and Link set up 3. Grab and release the flower quickly...
1. Download the project from the attached Google Drive Link 2. Enable Oculus Link and enter Play Mode 3. Exit Play Mode and observe the Console Window Expected result: When using InputActionTrace in OculusLink, Assert does not occur in InputActionTrace.OnAction...
[XR][XR Interaction Toolkit][Quest][Link] Socket Interactor intermittently applies wrong rotation to grabbable object Package: XR Interaction - Mar 19, 2020 Repro steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Enter Play Mode with Quest connected and Link set up 3. Try grabbing and releasing the plant...
补充:Ques在SDK 53版本以前通过Link预览彩色透视画面十分卡顿,有线无线都是不可用的状态;那时候使用Quest 2,预览黑白色的透视画面,倒是可以流畅预览。 Q4:提示安卓ADB版本41 ,40错误,导致打包失败。 答:新安装的UNIT内置的ADB版本冲突。比如你在用Unity2022.3打包出现这个问题,我的做法是,把Unity2021安装路径里面对应...