1.Meta分享了Quest 3和Quest 3S的开发路径,旨在扩大混合现实市场,提供价格合理的高质量体验。 2.开发者在Meta Horizon OS上可以构建完全沉浸式体验、混合体验、2D面板和扩展应用程序等多种内容。 3.选择合适的开发路径,如Unity、Unreal或Native,可以加速应用程序的开发和分发。 4.除此之外,Meta Spatial SDK提供了一...
Mixed Reality Stylus for Meta Quest. Experience high-precision in MR with the familiar feel of a pen. No learning curve, saving time and keeping you in your workflow.
the Quest 3 redefines standalone VR with its sharp visuals, robust performance, and incredible storage capacity. It’s a must-have for anyone serious about immersive tech, and the 500GB model ensures you’re ready for everything VR and MR have to offer. I love it and can’t recommend it...
My guess is still a (now cheaper) XR2(+) Gen 1 using Fresnel, but adding color passthrough. A Quest 2 refresh, gaining the “Quest 3” label due to being usable for MR apps, the main feature Meta wants to push with this generation. A rebranding ensures new users that support won’t...
I was thoroughly underwhelmed by the concept of mixed reality (MR) gaming. I wasn’t a huge fan of devices like the Magic Leap One, seeing as its augmented reality games were so rudimentary. So, when Meta made enhanced MR the marquee feature of the Quest 3, it seemed more like a gimm...
最近的 Ignite 2024 新闻强调了即将推出的 Quest 版 Windows Mixed Reality 服务将如何将微软值得信赖的数字套件的全部功能带入 Meta 的耳机产品组合,包括 Quest 3 和 3S。 微软指出,沉浸式 Windows 服务将为 Quest 用户带来更高的生产力和协作机会,这反过来可能会提高 Meta 的 MR 耳机产品组合在专业环境中的可用...
本周,经过长时间的私人预览放映后,微软混合现实链接(Microsoft Mixed Reality Link)正式开放发布。有了这项新推出的服务,Meta Quest 3/3s 头显用户可以将他们的混合现实设备连接到 Windows 11 电脑,参与空间生产力工作流程。 微软宣布,Mixed Reality Link 用户现在可以将他们的 Windows 11 屏幕直接串流到 Meta Quest...
Meta Quest Pro comes with all the goods and then some so you can start working, creating and collaborating — Meta Quest Touch Pro Controllers, charging dock with rapid USB-C power adapter, 10 advanced VR/MR sensors, 256GB storage, 12GB RAM, and a Snapdragon XR2+ Qualcomm processor. ...
Now you can get Batman: Arkham Shadow* and a 3-month trial of Meta Quest+ included** with purchase, a combined $70 value. Thousands of experiences: Dive into totally new ways to do what you love with mixed reality, where you can blend digital objects into the room around you or ...
Kompatibel med Meta Quest 3 og Quest 2. Vis din fantasi Potentialet for kreativitet i Mixed Reality (MR) maksimeres med mesterligt konstruerede højpræcisionskontroller. Perfekt placering til artikulation af pen og tryllestav inkluderer 3 kontrolknapper foran, spids til 2D-interaktion,...