VR用户“The Mysticle”在推特上发布了Quest 2库中列出的安卓应用图片。根据该推文,这些应用出现在商店的应用预览区域,主要用于早期访问本地的Quest应用。 “这是我们的讨论中提到的,我只是想确认它是不是真的。当然是真的! 这些都是商店里的应用预览。信息中的开发者名称是‘Android Apps For Quest’,网站似乎是...
第二步,你需要去下载一个工具叫做Android Backup Extractor。这个是用于转换.ab格式的存档文件为.tar格式的压缩文件(.ab文件据说本质上就是个tar文件,如有不对可以交流)。这个工具在G网。去下载里面说的叫做abe.jar的java文件。这个就是Android Backup Extractor这个工具。第三步,你需要让你的电脑能运行jar文件,...
DreamGrid is a launcher designed for Oculus Quest, Pico VR and HTC Vive headsets that supports both official and sideloaded apps and games. androidhtcvrlauncheroculushtc-vivequestpico UpdatedOct 2, 2024 Java barnabwhy/PicoZen Sponsor Star57 ...
要构建2D体验,你可以利用WebXR或Progressive Web Apps (PWA)。PWA用Bubblewrap构建,这是一个将PWA打包到Android App Bundle中的工具。有了它,你就可以创建一个Android应用,并使用“Trusted Web Activity”启动PWA。另外,你可以立即将现有的2D应用移植到Meta Horizon Store。要了解更多关于设计2D和基于web的体验,请查看...
How to Open Links on Quest From iPhone or Android Ensure the Meta Quest smartphone app is installed. On your smartphone, browse to the page you want to open, then use your browser’s ‘Share’ function (this will also work with the share function in other apps, as long as the thing ...
You might soon be able to access some Android apps on your Oculus Quest. VR YouTuber The Mysticle today tweeted images of Android apps listed in their Quest 2 library. According to the tweet, the apps appeared under the preview apps section of the store, which is primarily used for early...
Spooky Night Remastered Quest 3 and Quest 2 DOWNLOAD GAME New App Launcher For Quest 2 Launch your side loaded apps with our app launcher. This allows you to see all the apps you have sideloaded onto your quest and lets you launch them from the menu screen. Now you can see images and ...
Prev 1 2 3 You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads OA [Shared] Sister Efnel falls into the dark side of the Futanari Succubus vFinal MOD APK Vkost Yesterday at 5:37 AM Age Restricted Games Replies 7 Views 1K Today at 4:32 PM ambatukamm A G OA [Sh...
The simplest way to create progressive web apps across platforms and devices. Start here. This repo is home to several projects in the PWABuilder family of tools. android windows manifest pwa service-worker progressive-web-app vscode web-application app-store play-store microsoft-store pwa-starter...
quest3 5位数验证码 Oculus Quest是一体机VR设备,无需电脑,有自己的安卓运行系统,所以开发环境配置跟在Unity上开发安卓应用的流程大同小异。; 下面就列出在Unity下开发Oculus Quest应用的几个准备步骤: 一.添加安卓平台模块和导入Oculus Integration插件 通过UnityHub 给 Unity 安装Android开发需要的SDK。