为了提高Casting投屏的覆盖面,数周后你将可以把头显视图投屏到桌面浏览器窗口。当所述功能推出后,你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并在头显中点击“Cast to Computer”选项。Oculus同时增加了录制功能,这样你在投屏时就可以保存自己最喜欢的游戏时刻。“Record”按钮将于今年晚些时候...
为了提高Casting投屏的覆盖面,数周后将你将可以将头显视图投屏到桌面浏览器窗口。当所述功能推出后,你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并在头显中点击“Cast to Computer”选项。 Oculus同时增加了录制功能,这样你在投屏时就可以保存自己最喜欢的游戏时刻。“Record”按钮将于今年晚些时候...
为了提高投屏的覆盖面,数周后将你将可以将头显视图投屏到桌面浏览器窗口。当所述功能推出后,你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并在头显中点击“Cast to Computer”选项。 Oculus同时增加了录制功能,这样你在投屏时就可以保存自己最喜欢的游戏时刻。“录制(Record)”按钮将于今年晚些时候...
当所述功能推出后,你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并在头显中点击“Cast to Computer”选项。 Oculus同时增加了录制功能,这样你在投屏时就可以保存自己最喜欢的游戏时刻。“录制(Record)”按钮将于今年晚些时候与大家见面,届时你可以通过这个按钮将自己的高光时刻直接保存到手机的图片库...
can connect your VR headset to a gaming-compatible computer (PC and cable sold separately). Let your friends and family into your VR world by casting your experience to compatible TVs and other screens. And anywhere you go in the real world, you can take your lightweight, portable Quest 2...
现在,这一功能已经正式开放,亦即你可以将头显视图投屏到桌面浏览器窗口。你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并按照屏幕指引操作。如下图所示,点击Oculus按钮,前往Sharing分享,选择Cast投屏,并勾选Computer电脑即可。6. 语音命令 现在,你可以在头显中访问自己的语音活动。这意味着你...
King’s Quest III continues the saga, preserving all of the franchise’s strengths while mixing in a few new innovations. At the same time, it also provides a good starting point for beginners of the series. Nevertheless, just like the remakes of its two predecessors, King’s Quest III:...
connect your VR headset to a gaming-compatible computer (PC and cable sold separately). Let your friends and family into your VR world by casting your experience to compatible TVs and other screens. And anywhere you go in the real world, you can take your lightweight, portable Quest 2...
You can even connect your VR headset to a gaming-compatible computer with an Oculus Link cable to access hundreds of PC VR games and experiences. Quest 2 also lets you bring your friends into the action. With live casting, you can share your VR experience with people around you. Or ...
Your Oculus Quest (and Quest 2), on the other hand, allows you to cast what you’re seeing to a television, allowing anyone else to view what you’re seeing. How to Cast Oculus Quest 2 to Roku TV? Casting is simple, and you can use it with any TV that has a built-in Chromecast...