Meta现已将投射和远程桌面内置到Meta Quest Link最新公共测试频道版,这款Windows应用还可用于让用户Quest头显充当PC VR头显,这是Steam Link和虚拟桌面的第一方替代品。 用户已可将Quest中的视图投射到PC网络浏览器,但这仅支持宽屏宽高比,不支持未裁剪的正方形,并且没有内置录制功能。而这些功能以前需要单独的PC应用...
(映维网Nweon 2023年11月10日)对于VR领域的Up主播主,以及开发者而言,全新的Quest Casting 2.0将允许你通过USB 3.0将未裁剪的宽屏影像传输到PC。 利用Casting投屏功能,Quest头显可以将头显用户看到的内容无线传输到电视、智能手机和网络浏览器。但随着Windows和Mac端的Meta Quest Developer Hub于日前新增了一个Casting ...
Meta Quest 突破创新:无线Casting 2.0电影模式的开发者中心升级Meta Quest头显的革新步伐再次向前,其开发者中心最近迎来了一项重大更新——无线Casting 2.0电影模式,为内容创造者带来了全新的体验。这款先进的技术允许佩戴者在无需物理连接的情况下,将他们在头显中所见的沉浸式内容无缝投射到支持Google...
9月17日消息,在今天举行的Facebook Connect大会上,Facebook宣布将更新Quest无线投屏分享功能Casting,带来多种新功能,比如:将支持向PC端浏览器投屏,支持录制,以及新增可多角度查看的观察模式。 据青亭网了解,Casting功能此前只能向Chromecast电视和手机投屏,而几周后,你也可以向电脑上的Chrome或Edge浏览器投屏,与其他人...
Pursue the main quest to dismantle their operations, or explore the world at your own pace using your grapple hook, hoverboard, and unlockable powers.Echo Point Nova launches today, and like Severed Steel it includes day-one support for DLSS Super Resolution. And for those who want the ...
How does it feel to cast LCK? I've always liked watching Korean LoL. It's the spiritual successor of Korean Brood War in terms of popularity, the sponsors, how much money there is behind it, the fans... It's old enough to have an extremely rich h...
Pursue the main quest to dismantle their operations, or explore the world at your own pace using your grapple hook, hoverboard, and unlockable powers.Echo Point Nova launches today, and like Severed Steel it includes day-one support for DLSS Super Resolution. And for those who want the ...
Pursue the main quest to dismantle their operations, or explore the world at your own pace using your grapple hook, hoverboard, and unlockable powers.Echo Point Nova launches today, and like Severed Steel it includes day-one support for DLSS Super Resolution. And for those who want the ...
Pursue the main quest to dismantle their operations, or explore the world at your own pace using your grapple hook, hoverboard, and unlockable powers.Echo Point Nova launches today, and like Severed Steel it includes day-one support for DLSS Super Resolution. And for those who want the ...