你可以通过执行以下SQL语句来查看query_mem_limit的当前值,以验证是否已成功更改: sql SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'query_mem_limit'; 这将返回当前会话中query_mem_limit的值,你可以检查它是否与你设置的值相匹配。 确认更改后的效果(可选): 在更改query_mem_limit后,你可以尝试执行一些查询来观察是否因内...
I am getting below error- "Memory limit exceeded"this is how I am using query optionjdbc:impala://host:21050 /tpcds_bin_partitioned_textfile_40;AuthMech=1;KrbRealm=test.com ;KrbHostFQDN=host;KrbServiceName=impala;mem_limit=3gb;";
Run TPC-DS benchmark on 1TB hive data, query04 still reports "Mem usage has exceed the limit of single query" when enable_spill is true and spill_mode is force. Steps to reproduce the behavior (Required) prepare Hive 1TB TPC-DS data run ...
LIANGCHAOHUA:show create table xx | store_sales | CREATE TABLEstore_sales(ss_sold_date_skbigint...
Your query has been cancelled due to exceeding the allowed memory limit for a single SQL query. Please try narrowing your query scope or increase the tidb_mem_quota_query limit and try again.[conn=3607482257570389131] 在navicat设置SET GLOBAL tidb_mem_quota_query = 8G怎么不生效呀 还需怎么配置...
ERROR 1064 (HY000): row count of right table in hash join > 4294967295
请问使用navicat的工具做数据传输,出现[ERR] 1> 8175 - Your query has been cancelled due to exceeding the allowed memory limit for a single SQL query. Please try narrowing your query scope or increase the tidb_mem_quota_query limit and try again.[conn=3307208708]这个告警是只能增大 🪐...
I am getting below error- "Memory limit exceeded"this is how I am using query optionjdbc:impala://host:21050 /tpcds_bin_partitioned_textfile_40;AuthMech=1;KrbRealm=test.com ;KrbHostFQDN=host;KrbServiceName=impala;mem_limit=3gb;";