yo querría kehr-REE-ah I would want tú querrías kehr-REE-ahs you (singular/informal) would want él/ellausted querría kehr-REE-ah he/she/you (singular/formal) would want nosotrosnosotras querríamos kehr-REE-ah-mohs we would want vosotrosvosotras querríais kehr-REE-ah-ees you (plura...
Quereris a transitive verb, which means that it usually takes on one object. This can also be dropped in Spanish, which I will explain further below. It is either followed by a noun, a verb in the infinitive form (ending iner,ar, orir), orque+ subjunctive. In terms of what matters ...
Present tense of querer with infinitives Preview The verb querer Querer with a noun or infinitive The verb querer To say what you or others want, use a form of the verb querer. The form you use depends on the subject. yo nosotros(as) queremos quiero tú quieres vosotros(as) queréis Ud...