The past preterite form ofquereris actually not used very often. This is because talking about wanting something in the past generally makes more sense using the imperfect form. For the preterite form ofquererto be used, there is usually an implied decision being made or action being taken. E...
yo querría kehr-REE-ah I would want tú querrías kehr-REE-ahs you (singular/informal) would want él/ellausted querría kehr-REE-ah he/she/you (singular/formal) would want nosotrosnosotras querríamos kehr-REE-ah-mohs we would want vosotrosvosotras querríais kehr-REE-ah-ees you (plura...
Present tense of querer with infinitives Preview The verb querer Querer with a noun or infinitive The verb querer To say what you or others want, use a form of the verb querer. The form you use depends on the subject. yo nosotros(as) queremos quiero tú quieres vosotros(as) queréis Ud...