Queen of Cups是塔罗牌中的小阿卡那牌,别名圣杯皇后、圣杯女王,代表“专注”与“同情”,关键字为想象力、关怀、感性、慈爱,代表色为蓝色。 'Queen of Cups'的基本定义 'Queen of Cups',又称圣杯王后或圣杯女王,是塔罗牌中的一张重要牌面,属于小阿卡那牌中的圣杯牌组,位列第十三...
牌名 圣杯王后 Queen Of Cups 牌位 正位 关键字 温柔,聆听 牌义 圣杯王后是女教皇的小牌版本。她想像力强,重视直觉而浪漫过人。当你想要算塔罗牌,或是想要情感上的安慰时,你会找圣杯王后。她是那种会...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 QUEEN of CUPS 一旦迷失在感伤或过去的失落中,就会对眼前的一切茫然无知 牌面细节: 当这张牌逆位置的时候,好似皇后的圣杯倾倒掉落了,失去了珍贵的感情。甚至坐不稳而浸入海里,迷失在情感的潮流之中。她会过于放浪,却不懂别人的感受,想要得到关怀,却不知如何对待别人。 逆位置的圣杯皇后,虽然一...
小阿卡那牌·圣杯:XXXV 圣杯十(Ten of Cups) 情感团体 家庭 满足 和谐 牌面解释这是齐乐融融的一家人,夫妻相拥各扬一只手,、迎向象征美好生活的圣杯与彩虹。两个孩子在一旁快乐的嬉戏。远处是他们的家。这是一副温馨感人的画面。这张… 詠貞发表于七十八张塔... 【HP官设】Pottermore:101张巧克力蛙卡片巫...
What does the Queen of Cups Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!Queen of Cups Upright Meaning Traditionally, representing the energy of a Queen, this card traditionally portrays a sensitive, vulnerable, omniscient woman who offers unconditional ...
Queen of the Thrones of Waters Water of Water Court Element: Water Suit Element: Water Golden Dawn Zodiac: June 11-July 12 (Gemini/Cancer) Hebrew Letter: Heh Sephiroth: Binah Yes or No Question: Yes The Queen of Cups and the High Priestess communicate directly. ...
牌名:圣杯王后(Queen Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关键字:想象力、关怀、感性、慈爱 含义:一个忠诚、钟情的女人,温柔大方,引人怜爱。 牌面解读 牌面上,美丽的王后坐在华丽的石座之上,目光温柔的注视着手上的圣杯,一副多情而又专一的神态。另外,王后也代表着仁慈、善良和直觉。她是那种会让年轻小伙子爱上的...
The Queen of Cups is a natural caregiver. Considering the needs of others, including family and community. Work on opening your heart and connecting with others. Divinatory Meaning: A woman who is the good wife and mother—honest, devoted, and loyal. Themes: Creativity and Nurturing ...
Queen of Cups's key themes are intuitive, mature, sensitive woman, spouse, virtuous, wise. Find out more!