圣杯王后端庄而慈爱,代表着“专注”与“同情”。她富有成熟女性的魅力,温柔的目光仿佛能包容世间的一切,拥有与众不同的美丽。塔罗牌作为古代西方流传已久的占卜术之一,在国际上都有很高的影响力,华易网为大家整理了韦特塔罗牌专题的相关内容,希望大家喜欢! 牌名:圣杯王后(Queen Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关...
Queen of Cups Tarot card Meaning The Queen of Cups tarot card represents compassion, intuition, and emotional balance. This regal and nurturing figure sits on a throne adorned with images of fish and holds a cup, symbolizing her deep connection to her emotions and the subconscious realm. Radi...
What does the Queen of Cups Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!Queen of Cups Upright Meaning Traditionally, representing the energy of a Queen, this card traditionally portrays a sensitive, vulnerable, omniscient woman who offers unconditional ...
Previous Card Knight of Cups Golden Thread Tarot deck © Golden Thread Tarot Next Card King of Cups Learn More What does the Queen of Cups Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!Queen of Cups Upright Meaning Traditionally, representing the energ...
Queen of Cups是塔罗牌中的小阿卡那牌,别名圣杯皇后、圣杯女王,代表“专注”与“同情”,关键字为想象力、关怀、感性、慈爱,代表色为蓝色。 'Queen of Cups'的基本定义 'Queen of Cups',又称圣杯王后或圣杯女王,是塔罗牌中的一张重要牌面,属于小阿卡那牌中的圣杯牌组,位列第十三...
小阿卡那牌·圣杯:XXXV 圣杯十(Ten of Cups) 情感团体 家庭 满足 和谐 牌面解释这是齐乐融融的一家人,夫妻相拥各扬一只手,、迎向象征美好生活的圣杯与彩虹。两个孩子在一旁快乐的嬉戏。远处是他们的家。这是一副温馨感人的画面。这张… 詠貞发表于七十八张塔... 【HP官设】Pottermore:101张巧克力蛙卡片巫...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 QUEEN of CUPS 一旦迷失在感伤或过去的失落中,就会对眼前的一切茫然无知 牌面细节: 当这张牌逆位置的时候,好似皇后的圣杯倾倒掉落了,失去了珍贵的感情。甚至坐不稳而浸入海里,迷失在情感的潮流之中。她会过于放浪,却不懂别人的感受,想要得到关怀,却不知如何对待别人。
The Seashell Throne.While the nature of the Queen’s throne is difficult to see in the Marseilles version of this card, most RWS-inspired cards depict a throne integrating watery themes. Do your emotions support you…or rule you? The Pensive Expression.Some see the Queen of Cups as pensive...
Queen of Cups Intuitive · Mature, Sensitive Woman · Spouse · Virtuous · Wise Queen of Cups Tarot card Queen of Cups's Meaning Sensitivity and an affectionate nature are traditionally associated with the Queen of Cups, who is the emotionally open balance to the King. Despite her open ...