【问题67】quartus开发平台,在做SIGNALTAP 练习中,右窗口提示no device is selected,如下图,请问如何解决? 关键词:SIGNALTAP窗口,no device is selected 答: 1.连接好硬件后,请点击hardware旁边的下拉接口,选择USB-Blaster即可。 2.如果问题依旧,是硬件没有连接好或者连接错误,请看此贴问题3,排除原因。 3.以上两...
答:请点击软件左上角,VIEW-Utility windows, 或者使用快捷键盘 Alt+数字(1-7)即可。 【问题67】quartus开发平台,在做SIGNALTAP 练习中,右窗口提示no device is selected,如下图,请问如何解决? 答: 1.连接好硬件后,请点击hardware旁边的下拉接口,选择USB-Blaster即可。 2.如果问题依旧,是硬件没有连接好或者连接...
答:请点击软件左上角,VIEW-Utility windows, 或者使用快捷键盘 Alt+数字(1-7)即可。 问题【67】quartus开发平台,在做SIGNALTAP 练习中,右窗口提示no device is selected,如下图,请问如何解决? 答:1.连接好硬件后,请点击hardware旁边的下拉接口,选择USB-Blaster即可。 2.如果问题依旧,是硬件没有连接好或者连接错...
系统会要求设计者指定工程所使用的芯片系列,可以选择自动选择芯片型号或者设计者指定.建议选择“Specific device selected in‘Available devices’list’”选项,这样可以手动设置芯片参数,这个一般是硬件设计好之后,若对参数不熟悉一定要先参考Quartus II的帮助文件,弄清封装,管脚类型和芯片速度这3个设置项中的每个参数的...
So the installing and reinstalled Quartus is the secret. A little more detail. When you uninstall do no remove the altera folder from the C drive. So we installed Quartus and moved the qdz file to bin folder, then uninstalled Quartus and left the altera folder on the C ...
21.Timing Analysis does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family 原因:用analyze_latches_as_synchronous_elements setting可以让Quaruts II来分析同步锁存,但目前的器件不支持这个特性 措施:无须理会。时序分析可能将锁存器分析成回路。但并不一定分析正...
7.Warning: Clock latency analysis for PLL offsets is supported for the current device family, but is not enabled 措施:将setting中的timing Requirements&Option-->More Timing Setting-->setting-->Enable Clock Latency中的on改成OFF 8.Found clock high time violation at 14.8 ns on register "|...
9、vailable device1 listShow Advanced DevicesSelect the family and device you want to target for compilationFa-nily:Target deviceAuto device selected by the FitterSpecific device selected in 'Available devices1 listAvailable devices:NameLE$r ufm B.nAEPM240GT100C52401EPM240GT100I52401EPM240T100C5240...
19.Timing Analysis does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family原因:用analyze_latches_as_synchronous_elements 15、setting可以让Quaruts II来分析同步锁存,但目前的器件不支持这个特性措施:无须理会。时序分析可能将锁存器分析成回路。但并不一定...
Incremental Block-Based Compilationis preserving or emptying a partition within a project. This works with core partitions and requires no additional files or floor planning. The partition can be emptied, preserved at Source, Synthesis, and Final snapshots. ...