Error:Can'trunSignalTapIILogicAnalyzer--SignalTapIIFileisnotcompatiblewiththefileprogrammedinthedevice 解决:.stp文件发生改动后,重新编译,当前sof文件notcompatible,需重新下载.sof文件! Error:Can'tnamelogicfunctionPLLofinstance"inst"--functionhassamenameascurrentdesignfile 解决:实例名与文件名一致,改一下...
在Quartus中编译时出现Error: WYSIWYG primitive "pll" is not compatible with the current device family错误 如何解决?
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "ram_block1a_7" is not compatible with the current device family the design was earlier compiled in cyclone v . the intended file even won't open using megawizard function, although it is qsys in quartus 15.1 via ip catalogue. waiting for quick reply....
Currently I'm trying to build the FPGA using Quartus 15.0.0 Build 145 and I got the below errors when compiled... Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "pll1" is not compatible with the current device familyError (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "pll1_phy" is not...
The Quartus Prime software supports fast design processing, straightforward device programming, and integration with other industry- standard EDA tools. The user interface makes it easy for you to focus on your design— not on the design tool. The modular compiler streamlines the FPGA development ...
For a supported version of Quartus®, upgrade to the latest version. If your device family is not compatible with the latest version, contact your Intel field rep or the support team about migrating to the latest device family. See here for device family compatibil...
7、点击NEXT ,直到出现以下界面Select the family and device you want to target for compilationDevice familyE5mShatix II歹U 选择 IDevices: ®3T argat devicet* Auto device selected by the Fitterf* Specific device selected in 'Available devices' listShow in 'Available device' listPackage:ArPin ...
Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent Altera deems such testing necessary to support this warranty. Unless mandated by government requirements, specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed. In the absence of written agreement to the ...
18、ol:format厂 not available图2. 1.8 “工程设置统计”窗口2. 1. 3编译前设置选择fpga目标芯片。目标芯片的选择也可以这样来实现:选择assigninemts菜单屮的settings 项,可以弹出图2.1.9对话框。选择配置器件的工作方式。单击图2.1.9屮的device & pin options按钮,进入选择窗,这将弹 li device & pin options...
To perform any built-in self-test functions to drive interfaces, you can use a UART interface with a Nios® II processor inside the FPGA device. For guidelines related to analyzing and debugging the device after it is in the system, refer to “Planning for On-Chip Debugging Tools” on ...