记录一下NiosII的学习过程软件:QuartusII13.1开发板:Cyclone IV系列EP4CE6F17C8 新建一个QuartusII的工程文件,注意芯片选择 Tools—Qsys 智能推荐 Invalid bound statement (not found) ... 跟配置无关,编译器问题 映射方面的配置我都没动,但是测试一个查询数据库的接口却报这个错误,问题没有出在配置方面 我再...
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys) 購読する そのほかの操作 ディスカッション 質問を出す Is it possible to debug the NIOS II software in a ModelSim project? I...
Description Resource Path Location Type undefined reference to `__alt_invalid' alt_sys_init.c problem. 1. nios中偶尔出现了这个错误,后发现dsp文件的配置有错误,在dsp文件右击,选择niosii—dsp editor,打开的dsp edit偶尔选项卡中,在前面三项都选择jtag_uart再次编译工程,不会报错。打开APP工程内的Makefile,...
• When you generate an IP core using the IP Catalog, the Quartus Prime software generates a .qsys (for Platform Designer-generated IP cores) or a .ip file (for Quartus Prime Pro Edition) or a .qip file. The Quartus Prime Pro Edition software automatically adds the generated .ip to ...
1. I'm using the cv_soc_rp_simple_design (pcie_rp_ed_5csxfc6.qsys) as the basis for this design. 2. It does not have the DMA module in it. (I was not able to use the version that does because it would not fit with my code in the...
原因二: system id不正确。在qsys中删除systemid组件并重新添加,然后generate 解决。 问题15: 代码语言:javascript 复制 nios 中出现undefinedreference to `__alt_invalid'alt_sys_init.cCC++Problem nios中偶尔出现了这个错误,后发现dsp文件的配置有错误, ...
Version 15.1 • Quartus Prime Pro Edition Software and Device Support Release Notes Version 15.1 Issues Addressed in Update 2 Quartus Prime Standard Edition Software Quartus Prime Software GUI • Fixes an error that occurs when the Quartus Prime Initialization File (.ini) contains an ...
system id不正确。在qsys中删除systemid组件并重新添加,然后generate 解决 Error (176310): Can't place multiple pinsassigned to pin location Pin_6 (IOPAD_X0_Y22_N21) Info(176311): Pin o_epcs_sdo is assigned to pin location Pin_6 (IOPAD_X0_Y22_N21)Info(176311): Pin ~ALTERA_ASDO_DATA1~...
system id不正确。在qsys中删除systemid组件并重新添加,然后generate 解决 问题15: nios 中出现undefined reference to `__alt_invalid'alt_sys_init.c CC++ Problem nios中偶尔出现了这个错误,后发现dsp文件的配置有错误, 1. 2. 在dsp文件右击,选择nios ii—dsp editor 打开的dsp edit偶尔选项卡中,在前面三项...
system id不正确。在qsys中删除systemid组件并重新添加,然后generate 解决 问题15: nios 中出现undefined reference to `__alt_invalid'alt_sys_init.c CC++ Problem nios中偶尔出现了这个错误,后发现dsp文件的配置有错误, 1. 2. 在dsp文件右击,选择nios ii—dsp editor 打开的dsp edit偶尔选项卡中,在前面三项...