Warning: FLEXlm software error: Invalid (inconsistent) license key The license-key and data for the feature do not match. This usually hap ...
【问题14】 使用Quartus进行编译的过程中,出现以下报错,Verilog HDL ProceduralAssignment error at tb.v(20): object "cap_flow" on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type 关键词:on left-hang side 答:一般都是信号类型定义出错,原来定义为wire改为reg,或者reg的改为wire,请看:http...
【问题14】 使用Quartus进行编译的过程中,出现以下报错,Verilog HDL Procedural Assignment error at tb.v(20): object "cap_flow" on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type 答:一般都是信号类型定义出错,原来定义为wire改为reg,或者reg的改为wire,请看:http://www.mdy-edu.com/went...
Hi @forward , Yes, As of today only Quartus 19.1 Pro Edition is available. We have to wait for other releases. Regards Anand
答:USB BLASTER可能有问题,请更新驱动程序。请在下面链接更新驱动程序:QUARTUS下载【问题14】使用Quartus进行编译的过程中,出现以下报错,Verilog HDL Procedural Assignment error at tb.v(20):object "cap_flow" on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type...
show the users how to perform manual word alignment and byte ordering in the Cyclone V Native PHY with 8b10b and double-width PCS mode. A similar method is applicable to all V series devices. With double-width PCS mode and byte SERDES enabled, the transceiver will achieve a highe...
You can then connect your Agilex board and utilize ISSP for debugging, programming, and data acquisition.Use USB-Blaster II/Other Programming Hardware: If you're looking to program or debug without ISSP specifically, USB-Blaster II or other programming tools might provide basic funct...
If you set up the appropriate tool early in your design cycle, you can include these device resources in your early resource estimations to ensure that you do not overload the device with logic. — Reserve device memory—required if your tool uses device memory to capture data during system ...
Critical Warning: Found I/O pins in lower-level partitions that are not connected in the top-level designCritical Warning: I/O cell "pre_syn.bp.inst8_ADDR_0_" is not connected to partition "Top" Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "sram_data[0]" at verilo...