Table 10.1 shows quark and anti-quark combinations and corresponding mesons and their masses. Since the quark spin is 1/2, the spin of low mass (\\(l=0\\)) mesons are either \\(S=0\\) or \\(S=1\\). As Table 10.1 shows, the masses of the mesons are very much different for...
We propose a four-quark structure for some of the excited states of heavy mesons containing a single charm or bottom quark. The four-quark wave functions are constructed based on a diquark-antidiquark form under the constraint that they form an antitriplet (3) over bar (f) in SU(3)(f...
Two quark propagators with different analytic structure are employed in Bethe-Salpeter type equations for the pion and scalar diquark form factors. One of the quark propagators has been calculated with the inclusion of a trivial (bare) quark-gluon vertex and, as a consequence, contains a compl...
The mesons' structure function from the hadrons's structure The quark in our model are efiective degrees of freedom that can have substructure. The structure function of the constituent quark/antiquark can be extracted from the Kaon (pion) structure function, P(x), assuming that the ...
The nuclear matter properties at saturation density and hadron spectrums are well reproduced with this model simultaneously and, only the two-quark component of the scalar mesons couple to baryon fields and dominates the nuclear force. A plateau-like structure is found in the symmetry energy of ...
The second moments of the quark structure functions of the longitudinally and transversally polarized rho-mesons are calculated in the framework of QCD sum rules in external fields. Operators of dimension 4 and 6 are taken into account. The results are: 0.84 for the longitudinal polarization, 0.5...
The results reveal that quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks that make up a proton's structure, are subject to so-called quantum entanglement. FromScience Daily Their approach attempts to illuminate a cosmological constant as well as the properties of leptons and quarks. ...
Quark-Glue Structure of the $$\\\eta${}$ and ${$\\\eta${}}^{$'${}}$ Mesons, with Application to $$\\\psi${}$ightarrow${}$\\\eta${}({$\\\eta${}}^{$'${}})$\\\gamma${}$ and ${$\\\psi${}}^{$'${}}$ightarrow${}$\\\psi${}$\\\eta${}$ 来自 ads...
they have no apparent structure and cannot be resolved into something smaller. In addition, however, quarks always seem to occur in combination with other quarks or withantiquarks, theirantiparticles, to form allhadrons—the so-called strongly interacting particles thatencompassbothbaryonsandmesons. ...
anomalous chromomagnetic moments Isgur Wise function first order form factors second order form factors B decay into D+ lepton+neutrino/ A1320H B meson leptonic/semileptonic decays A1440M a and B mesons A1235H Phenomenological composite models of particle structure and reactions (partons, bags, ...