We demonstrate that the meson-exchange contribution to D(e,e'p)Delta(T{sub p} {approx} 0.7-1 GeV and being at rest) is small compared to the six-quark contribution. The cross-section is large enough to be measured at CEBAF. It means that through this reaction we could observe and ...
Quark spectator and tadpole graphs as predicted by the Cabibbo—Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani weak current and Hamiltonian density combine to give a complete description of charmed D0→K-π+, K 0π0, and D+→K 0π+ Cabibbo-angle-enhanced decays and D+→K 0K+, π0π+, and D0→K-K+, ...
We have studied in detail the cross section for the d( e, e' p) Δ reaction leading to the emission of a fast nucleon and a Δ at rest, which has been advocated as a tool to investigate quark effects in nuclei. We find that ordinary meson-exchange currents mechanisms dominate the ...
The quantum-mechanical mixing of neutral meson particle-antiparticle states, has been observed in the K [ 1 ], B [ 2 ], and B s [ 3 ] systems, but until recently, not in the D 0 system. D mesons, which contain a charm quark, are the only system where contributions of down-type...
interactions with the QGP constituents, – 27 – which impart the flow of the medium to the heavy quarks, and from the hadronisation via recombination, which enhances the charm-hadron v2 with respect to the one of the charm quark because the D meson picks up the v2 of the light quark....
(a) What particle has the quark composition u bar u bar d bar? (b) What should its decay mode be? Can a quark, a component of a nucleon, be further subdivided into smaller particles? A particle composed of three quarks is classifi...
We study the effects of strong magnetic fields on antikaon condensation in neutron star matter using the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model. The QMC model describes a nuclear many-body system as nonoverlapping MIT bags in which quarks interact through the self-consistent exchange of scalar and vect...
containing in pseudoscalar or vector final meson. The subscript P or V is labelled to E and A graphs which are dominated by the weak process cq 1 →q 2 q 3 when the final antiquark q 3 stays in the pseudoscalar or vector meson. S is added before E or A to distinguish the ...
Thanks to the great progress of the experiment in the past several decades, many baryons that cannot be ascribed into 3-quark(qqq) configurations have been reported [1]. In particular, three narrow hidden-charm pentaquarks, namely Pc(4312)Pc(4312), Pc(4440)Pc(4440), and Pc(4450)Pc(4450...
(b) udd (c) us¯ (d) u¯s (e) ud¯ (f) u¯d Particle Physics: In particle physics, a pion is any of the three sub-atomic particles - π− π+ πo.Each pion consists of a quark and an anti-quark and collectively called a...