Quantum Phase Estimation Construct the quantum circuit to estimate the eigenphase (or phase) of a given eigenvector of a unitary operator Example Notebook Out[1]= PacletObject Name:Wolfram/QuantumFramework Version:1.0.32 In[3]:= ...
1 将寻找阶看作是量子本征态估计 Order Finding as Quantum Eigenvalue Estimation 2 寻找阶:连分数 Order Finding: Continued Fractions ■ 3 量子相位估计Quantum Phase Estimation 1 有关相位估计电路正确性的证明思路 Proof Sketch of the Correctness of the Phase Estimation Circuit ■ 4 本征态估计 Eigenvalue...
Note that the decomposition is up to a global phase shift. (This is a well known decomposition, which can be found for example in Nielsen and Chuang’s book “Quantum computation and quantum information”.) Parameters unitary_matrix (ndarray)– 2*2 unitary (given as a (complex) ndarray)....
The next step is to exponentiate the covariance matrix {C}_X, so that we can use the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) subroutine for finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. It has been shown that the exponentiation of the covariance matrix, i.e., e^{-i{C}_X\,t}, can be performed in...
Initial state preparation can be as simple or as complex as the state that one desires to begin the simulation in. Since the focus of this paper is outperforming mean-field calculations, we will discuss the cost of preparing Slater determinants within first quantization. For example, one may wi...
(ϕ0) of a reaction such as (11) by whichelectronic excitationenergy is annihilated, is the rate of that reaction divided by the rate of absorption of light by the photosensitive agent. For example, if the set of possible reactions includesEqs. (2)–(6),(8), and(11), the primary ...
TheIndexRangefunction called on an array (for example, the array of qubits,qs) returns a range over the indices of the array. Here, it's used in theforloop to sequentially measure each qubit using theM(qs[i])statement. Each measuredResulttype (eitherZeroorOne) is then added to the corre...
estimate eigenvalues # Step 3: Inverse Eigenvalue Estimation # Estimate the inverse of the eigenvalues # Step 4: Amplitude Amplification # Amplify the amplitudes of the desired eigenvalues # Step 5: Measurement # Perform measurements to extract the solution return solution # Example usage A = np....
We exploit the benefits of the quantum memory by a measurement protocol based on the correlating two subsequent phase estimation steps. If the correlation time of the measured quantity (for example, a magnetic field) is longer than the coherence time of the sensor, this coherence time limits the...
Education: There are already many platforms that are blockchain-based and are being utilized for the purpose to strengthen security, increase the accessibility for the participants, and many more. For example, “DISCIPLINA”. Similar progress can be made with the use of the PQDLT. ...