4、相位估计中的误差来自哪里? 相位估计电路的第一步是将相位φ编码到幅度上去e2πi(2t−1)φ|1>,产生联乘式或者联加式,无论是联乘式还是联加式相位φ都是任意实数,故这里还没有误差出现。 联乘式 :12t/2(|0>+e2πi(2t−1)φ|1>)(|0>+e2πi(2t−2)φ|1>)⋅⋅⋅(|0>+e2π...
cations of the phase estimation algorithm, then explores how using the generalized AQFT circuit impacts these applications. This thesis contains several results which, to the best of my knowledge, have not appeared before. First, there is the development and analysis of the generalized AQFT circuit...
Quantum Phase Estimation量子相位估计,顾名思义,通过量子算法得到给定输入的相位信息,估计即是这个相位结果的精度和我们算法的设置相关。Quantum Phase Estimation求解的本质问题是矩阵的特征值估计,即给定矩阵U求解出其特征值(在Dieter van Melkebeek的课件中,称该问题为eigenvalue estimation【1】)。 问题描述: 输入:...
1) quantum phase estimation algorithm 量子相位估计算法2) quantum phase estimation 量子相位估计 1. Factorizations of Toffoli gate and quantum phase estimation are given and proved so that they can be well-understanded and used. 给出了Toffoli门和量子相位估计第一阶段运算P这两个受控运算的分解及...
The quantum phase estimation algorithm has been utilized by a variety of quantum algorithms, most notably Shor's algorithm, to obtain information regarding the period of a function that is appropriately encoded into a unitary operator. In many cases, it is desired to estimate whether a specific ...
4) phase estimation 相位估计 1. Aphase estimationalgorithm for hopping frequency modulation in SATCOM; 卫星通信中的一种小参量跳频BPSK/DPSK相位估计算法 2. Study of GPS carrierphase estimationmethod in high dynamic circumst ances; 适应高动态环境的GPS载波相位估计方法研究 ...
Moreover, a metrological procedure based on a phase estimation algorithm is Heisenberg-limited: it attains the resolution δλ ~ [δλ]H within a large measurement range Δλ≫[δλ]H with a Heisenberg scaling in the phase accumulation time τ, i.e., δλ ∝ ℏ/(μτ) for...
Bases:qiskit.algorithms.phase_estimators.phase_estimator.PhaseEstimator Run the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) algorithm. This runs QPE with a multi-qubit register for reading the phases [1] of input states. The algorithm takes as input a unitaryUUUand a state∣ψ⟩|\psi\rangle∣ψ⟩, whic...
First option corresponds to the quantum phase estimation algorithm (PEA),21 which exploits unitary dynamics of the system controlled by register qubits. Although this algorithm is efficient, giving logarithmic error and polynomial gate scaling, its implementation requires substantial circuit depth for ...
class PhaseEstimation(num_evaluation_qubits, unitary, iqft=None, name='QPE')GitHub Phase Estimation circuit. In the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) algorithm [1, 2, 3], the Phase Estimation circuit is used to estimate the phase ϕϕ of an eigenvalue e2πiϕe2πiϕ of a unitary ...