1 将寻找阶看作是量子本征态估计 Order Finding as Quantum Eigenvalue Estimation 2 寻找阶:连分数 Order Finding: Continued Fractions ■ 3 量子相位估计Quantum Phase Estimation 1 有关相位估计电路正确性的证明思路 Proof Sketch of the Correctness of the Phase Estimation Circuit ■ 4 本征态估计 Eigenvalue...
In each case, the phase being estimated was generated with a phase gate, and each circuit modeled was defined by a randomly selected phase. The model accuracy, prediction speed, overfitting level and variation in accuracy with noise level was determined for 5 machine learning algorithms. These ...
量子线路 quantum circuit 量子计算中一种以线路形式表示计算流程的方式。 量子计算 gate-based quantum computing 通过定义量子门并依靠量子门序列来完成量子计算任务的模型。 量子门 quantum gate 门量子计算中进行量子比特操纵的量子线路单元。 单量子比特门 single-qubit gate 操纵单个量子比特的量子门。 多量子比特门...
classqiskit.circuit.library.PhaseEstimation(num_evaluation_qubits, unitary, iqft=None, name='QPE') GitHub Bases:QuantumCircuit Phase Estimation circuit. In the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) algorithm [1, 2, 3], the Phase Estimation circuit is used to estimate the phaseϕ\phiϕof an eigen...
4.6 A quantum circuit implementing the AQFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.7 The second half of the AQFT-based quantum phase estimation circuit 56 5.1 A generalized individual trial T p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 ix Preface This thesis attempts ...
Return the circuit to be executed to estimate phases. This circuit includes as sub-circuits the core phase estimation circuit, with the addition of the state-preparation circuit and possibly measurement instructions. Return type QuantumCircuit
Here, we implement two suitably modified phase estimation procedures, the Kitaev and the semiclassical Fourier-transform algorithms, using an artificial atom realized with a superconducting transmon circuit. We demonstrate that both algorithms yield a flux sensitivity exceeding the classical shot-noise ...
Multi-mode NOON states have been attracting increasing attentions recently for their abilities of obtaining supersensitive and superresolved measurements for simultaneous multiple-phase estimation. In this paper, four different methods of generating multi-mode NOON states with a high photon number were prop...
Quantum Phase Estimation量子相位估计,顾名思义,通过量子算法得到给定输入的相位信息,估计即是这个相位结果的精度和我们算法的设置相关。Quantum Phase Estimation求解的本质问题是矩阵的特征值估计,即给定矩阵U求解出其特征值(在Dieter van Melkebeek的课件中,称该问题为eigenvalue estimation【1】)。
实际上上面算法一般需要的circuit size和depth都是非常大的。举个例子,2015年时候有人算了一下用HHL算法去算一个电磁相互作用的散射截面时候(arXiv1505.06552),要想使得量子算法超过经典算法,需要的problem size N = 332020680,而此时对应的逻辑门操作数目大概>10^{25},就这还没有考虑control和error correction所...