Stenholm "Quantum description of free electrons in the laser", Opt. Commun. , vol. 30, pp.391 -393 1979Bambini, A, Stenholm, S (1979) Quantum description of free electrons in a laser. Opt. Comm. 30: pp. 391A. Bambini and S. Stenholm, “Quantum description of free ...
Here the classical electron current due to electrons in helical orbits (caused by a uniform magnetic field) interacts with a quantized radiation in the interaction volume of finite extent. The description of this free‐electron laser is through theSmatrix which incorporates the quantum recoil ...
Later, a full quantum description of charged particles, electromagnetic radiation and special relativity was developed, leading to quantum electrodynamics (QED). This is, to our current understanding, the most complete theory describing photon–matter interactions in correlated many–body systems. In the...
helium–neon, argon-ion, and carbon dioxide lasers. Subsequently, some successful practical devices were also made that used incandescent sources. However, the small size and high efficiency of diode lasers have given them a major application in this field as is reflected in the description ‘...
A high-level description of how the superposition of ordered configurations comprising the Slater determinant is prepared now follows, with details given in Supplementary Note7. The idea is to generate the Slater determinant in second quantization in an ancilla register using the Givens rotation approac...
This brief description belies the rich theoretical detail and technical proficiency required to design and fabricate working QCLs. The potential design space for these devices is vast and defies systematic exploration. However, decades of design variations and optimization efforts have established impressive...
mechanics. The most stringent tests of quantum theory are precision tests of quantum electrodynamics (QED); these have now been verified to an accuracy of 10−12using a one-electron quantum cyclotron [6]. While quantum field theory, which is currently the best description we have of the ...
Smith–Purcell effect16, or the dielectric laser accelerator (DLA)6,7and free electron lasers10. In addition, it indicates that the emergence of ‘classicality’ in our measurement setup requires both the classical conditions of ‘point-particle-like’ electron and photon at a coherent state, ...
{t}}}\), where αkσrepresents the coherent states’ parameters that can be shown to be equal to the complex amplitudes of the Fourier components of the classical description of the incident driving field;krefers to the wavevector of a plane wave in free space,σto its polarization, and...
mass approximation the model provides a description of the influence of carrier distributions through the Fermi levels of the interacting dielectrics, temperature, and the relative ordering of energy bands for the two dielectrics as well as the vacuum level (minimum energy of a free electron). We...