PINEM从四维超快电子显微镜(UTEM)的视角中被解放出来,并正在以自由电子量子光学(free electron quantum optics)的视角进一步向前发展。这一步的关键在于AMO领域中量子光学的不断进步,因此促使我们试图利用超快电子产生量子光源,耦合量光并调控量光。 就像利用一个受控原子来研究量子光学,同样可以利用一个自由电子来研究量...
Recent theoretical and experimental breakthroughs have given rise to the emerging field of free-electron quantum optics, reshaping the understanding of free-electron physics. Traditionally rooted in classical electrodynamics, this field now reveals quantum-mechanical features that necessitate the frameworks of...
Free-electron quantum optics Article 22 January 2025 Data availability The data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and at the Open Science Framework repository at Source data for Figs. 1–3...
Phenomena of free-electron X-ray radiation are treated almost exclusively with classical electrodynamics, despite the intrinsic interaction being that of quantum electrodynamics. The lack of quantumness arises from the vast disparity between the electron energy and the much smaller photon energy, resulting...
Related to electron optics:electron lenses electron optics n.(used with a sing. verb) The science of the control of electron motion by electron lenses in systems or under conditions analogous to those involving or affecting visible light.
This has left free-electron approaches outside an entire area of quantum optics: the creation of entangled light. We propose the use of free electrons as an approach to address this fundamental challenge—creating desired states of multiple-photon entangled light. Here we show that free electrons...
A free electron is defined as an electron that is completely free to move within a confined volume without any interactions with other electrons or the positively charged background, resulting in standing-wave solutions in quantum mechanics.
Here, we show that a free electron moving in a PTC spontaneously emits radiation, and, when associated with momentum-gap modes, the radiation of the electron is exponentially amplified by the modulation of the refractive index. Moreover, under strong electron-photon coupling, the quantum ...
Electron–acoustic phonon coupling in single crystal CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites revealed by coherent acoustic phonons Despite the great amount of attention CH3NH3PbI3 has received for its solar cell application, intrinsic properties of this material are still largely unknown. Mobility of charges is a quin...
To address the influence of multimode fields on the electron wavefunction and quantum energy states, the quantum theory of the interaction of electrons with multimode fields is presented in SI 2.2. After passing through multimode fields, the electron wavefunction can be expressed as ...