An introduction to quantum computing. OUP Oxford, 2006. 3.1 量子电路模型(The Quantum Circuit Model) 一个典型的量子电路如下所示: 每一时刻,量子比特从左向右传播,经由矩形块表示的门进行处理并输出信号。小三角表示基于计算基(computational basis)的测量(measurement)。 3.2 量子门(Quantum Gates) 单量子...
考虑一个2维的希尔伯特空间,哈达马基(Hadamard basis)是一类特殊的正交基,表示为: |+\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+|1\rangle),|-\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle-|1\rangle)\\ 1.3 算符(Operators) 一个希尔伯特空间中的线性算符定义为 T:\mathcal{H}\rightarrow\mathcal{H}...
This notational convention is reserved for the computational basis state with every qubit initialized to zero. While such a convention is sensible in this case, it's not employed in the quantum computing literature.Express linearity with Dirac notation...
量子计算(Quantum Computing, QC)是利用量子物理中特有的现象(量子叠加态、量子相干性和量子纠缠等)来设计相应的量子算法以解决 (物理、化学、计算机等领域)特定的任务。现有的量子计算有存在几种模型,例如基于绝热定理的绝热量子计算模型(Adiabatic Quantum Computation, AQC)以及基于测量的量子计算模型(Measurement-Based...
Just as bits are the fundamental object of information in classical computing, qubits (quantum bits) are the fundamental object of information in quantum computing. To understand this correspondence, this article looks at the simplest example: a single qubit....
If the interaction between qubits is not diagonal in the computational basis (e.g., the Heisenberg interaction), then one must be able to "switch it off" in order to prevent uncontrolled propagation of states. Therefore, schemes for quantum computing typically demand local control of the interac...
particles such as electrons or photons, can be used. Each particle is given a charge, or polarization, acting as a representation of 0 and 1. Each particle is referred to as a quantum bit, or qubit. The nature and behavior of these particles form the basis of quantum computing andquantum...
These provide a less striking but still remarkable quadratic speedup over the some of the classical algorithms.In the course of our BTech Project, we have familiarized ourselves with the ideas and algorithms in the quantum computing paradigm. We have tried to look into various theorical, ...
1.22 QUANTUM PARALLELISM AND REVERSIBLE COMPUTING We will now take a closer look at the transformations of quantum states required by a quantum computation. A classical computation evaluates a function, f, for a particular value of the argument x; the outcome of this evaluation is y = f(x)....
An introduction to quantum computing. OUP Oxford, 2006. 2.1 量子系统的状态(The State of a Quantum System) 状态空间公理(state space postulate):一个系统的状态可以由一个希尔伯特空间中的单位向量来描述。 量子比特(qubit)不同于经典的比特(bit),一个量子比特处于 |0⟩ 和|1⟩ 的叠加态(...