Classical and Quantum Computation 作者:A. Yu. Kitaev/A. H. Shen/M. N. Vyalyi 出版社:Amer Mathematical Society 出版年:2002 页数:272 定价:$40.00 装帧:Pap 丛书:Graduate Studies in Mathematics ISBN:9780821832295 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价:...
Classical and Quantum Computation with Small Space Bounds. PhD thesis, Bo˘gazic¸i University, 2011. (arXiv:1102.0378).A. Yakaryilmaz, Classical and Quantum Computation with Small Space Bounds. Ph.D. thesis, Bo˘gazi¸ci University (2011) [arXiv:1102.0378]....
Classical and Quantum Computation 经典和量子计算.pdf,Classical and Quantum Computation Classical and Quantum Computation A. Yu. Kitaev A. H. Shen M. N. Vyalyi Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 47 American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Islan
Anerrorratescalinglikee −α ,whereisalengthscale,andαissome positiveconstant.Incontrast,the“presumptive”qubit-modelofquantum computation,whichrepairserrorscombinatorically,requiresafantastically lowinitialerrorrate(about10 −4 )beforecomputationcanbestabilized. Quantumcomputationisacatch-allforseveralmodelsof...
As a rare example of a system in which Bose–Einstein condensation and superfluidity are reported at room temperature, polariton lasers are interesting for fundamental research and offer potential for applications in classical and quantum information technologies. In the past 10 years, new material ...
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InformationandComputation:ClassicalandQuantumAspects A.Galindo † andM.A.Mart´ın-Delgado ‡ DepartamentodeF´ısicaT´eoricaI.FacultaddeCienciasF´ısicas. UniversidadComplutense.28040Madrid.Spain. Quantumtheoryhasfoundanewfieldofapplicationsintherealmofinformation ...
The quantum circuit model (or gate array model), in which networks composed of quantum logic gates act on sets of qubits, is the dominant model of quantum computation and has an equivalent (quantum) Turing machine model. Both of these models and the general principles of quantum computation ...
A popular misconception is that the potential—and the limits—of quantum computing must come from hardware. In the digital age, we’ve gotten used to marking advances in clock speed and memory. Likewise, the 50-qubit quantum machines now coming online from the likes of Intel and IBM have ...
Quantum Inform. Comput. 15, 159 (2015) MathSciNet Google Scholar Deutsch, D.: Quantum computation. Phys. World 5, 57 (1992) Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Galindo, A., Martín-Delgado, M.: Information and computation: classical and quantum aspects. Rev. Moder. Phys. 74, 347 (...