Classical and Quantum Computation 经典和量子计算.pdf,Classical and Quantum Computation Classical and Quantum Computation A. Yu. Kitaev A. H. Shen M. N. Vyalyi Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 47 American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Islan
Classical and Quantum Computation 作者:A. Yu. Kitaev/A. H. Shen/M. N. Vyalyi 出版社:Amer Mathematical Society 出版年:2002 页数:272 定价:$40.00 装帧:Pap 丛书:Graduate Studies in Mathematics ISBN:9780821832295 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价:...
.Thisicebergisamodelof quantumcomputationbasedontopological,ratherthanlocal,degreesoffreedom. Theclassoffunctions,BQP(functionscomputablewithboundederror,given quantumresources,inpolynomialtime),hasbeendefinedinthreedistinctbut equivalentways:viaquantumTuringmachines[2],quantumcircuits[3],[6],and modularfunctors...
We provide a quantum algorithm for the exact evaluation of the Potts partition function for a certain class of restricted instances of graphs that correspond to irreducible cyclic codes. We use the same approach to demonstrate that quantum computers can provide an exponential speed up over the best...
We present a simple and general simulation technique that transforms any black-box quantum algorithm (a la Grover's database search algorithm) to a quantum communication protocol for a related problem, in a way that fully exploits the quantum parallelism. This allows us to obtain new positive an...
InformationandComputation:ClassicalandQuantumAspects A.Galindo † andM.A.Mart´ın-Delgado ‡ DepartamentodeF´ısicaT´eoricaI.FacultaddeCienciasF´ısicas. UniversidadComplutense.28040Madrid.Spain. Quantumtheoryhasfoundanewfieldofapplicationsintherealmofinformation ...
aintensively studied not just because of its critical role in setting the boundary between classical and quantum world, but also because it is an important physical resource that allows performing communication and computation tasks with an efficiency which is not achievable classically 密集地学习不仅由...
ComplexTensor: Machine Learning By Bridging Classical and Quantum Computation - NeoVertex1/ComplexTensor
In this lecture, I give an introduction into the physics of computation. The emphasis will be on the development of the field, leading from the thermodynamics of computation to reversible computation and to quantum computing, and on the basic physical aspects. The development of the foundations of...