前言:量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,简称QCL)是一种新型半导体激光器。QCL拥有传统半导体激光器的体积小、寿命长等特点,但是其工作原理却和传统半导体激光器截然不同。传统半导体激光器发光机制是导带和价带中的电子空穴对复合发光,而QCL则是利用电子在导带子带间的跃迁发光,全程只有电子参与受激辐射。QCL是半导...
UniMir Multiple Wavelength Options Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), Wavelength Stabilized, 10-17um, up to 20mW LD Module, Single Emitter, QCL, DFB, Narrow Linewidth PowerMir 4000, 4600, 4800, 9400 Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), Spectrally Multimode, QCW, 4-9µm, up to 1.5W LD Module, S...
Price adjustments will be reflected in the cart. For availability information please contact us. All prices are in US dollars and are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include shipping charges. If ordering from or shipping to Australia, China, or Hong Kong, please contact your ...
Price adjustments will be reflected in the cart. For availability information pleasecontact us. All prices are in US dollars and are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include shipping charges. If ordering from or shipping toAustralia,China, orHong Kong, please contact your distribut...
量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,简称QCL)是一种颠覆传统半导体激光器理论的新型激光技术,它以电子在导带子带间的跃迁发光为原理,开辟了半导体激光器在中远红外以及太赫兹波段的激射范围,为气体检测、空间通讯、红外对抗、太赫兹成像等领域带来了革命性变革。QCL的独特优势在于其激射波长的宽泛调节...
Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Laser Produces 3.5 WBreaking NewsAbout Us
A quantum cascade laser includes a semiconductor substrate, and an active layer having a cascade structure formed by multistage-laminating unit laminate structures each including an emission layer and an injection layer. Further, the unit laminate structure includes a first emission upper level, a seco...
Distance detection of chemical gas threats over hundreds of meters using an open-path infrared laser system Our Tunable Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers and Instruments LaserScan Standoff surface detection of chemicals in solid, liquid, and film forms ...
Quantum Cascade Lasers AKELA's line of Quantum Cascade Laser products is ideal for the trace gas spectroscopy. We offer FP and DFB Quantum Cascade Lasers in free-space and fiber-coupled HHL package. ꄴThe previous:无 【这是一个产品详情】产品详情已自动绑定后台每篇产品的数据。拖动控件时请不要...
The quantum cascade laser is a special kind of semiconductor laser, usually emitting mid-infrared light. Such a laser operates on laser transitions not between different electronic bands but on intersubband transitions of a semiconductor structure. Figure 1 shows what happens to an electron injected ...