Figure 1: Quantum Cascade Laser Energy Band DiagramQuantum cascade lasers are comprised of dozens of alternating layers of semiconductor material, forming quantum energy wells that confine the electrons to particular energy states. As each electron traverses the lasing medium it transitions from one ...
量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser) 前言:量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,简称QCL)是一种新型半导体激光器。QCL拥有传统半导体激光器的体积小、寿命长等特点,但是其工作原理却和传统半导体激光器截然不同。传统半导体激光器发光机制是导带和价带中的电子空穴对复合发光,而QCL则是利用电子在导带子带间的跃迁发...
The operation voltage can easily be of the order of 10 V, whereas few volts are sufficient for ordinary laser diodes. Figure 1: Strongly simplified schematic of the gain region of a quantum cascade laser. The diagram shows the electron energy versus position in the structure, which contains ...
Problem to be solved: to provide a quantum cascade laser having a structure capable of applying a current distribution in a semiconductor mesa. Quantum cascade lasersIncludes a substrate and a semiconductor mesa disposed in the direction of the first axis;Comprising a laser structure having a first...
Overall, the quantum cascade laser (QCL) is an important laser source in the mid-infrared range. The past twenty years have witnessed its tremendous development in power, wall plug efficiency, frequency coverage and tunability, beam quality, as well as various applications based on QCL technology...
量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,简称QCL)是一种颠覆传统半导体激光器理论的新型激光技术,它以电子在导带子带间的跃迁发光为原理,开辟了半导体激光器在中远红外以及太赫兹波段的激射范围,为气体检测、空间通讯、红外对抗、太赫兹成像等领域带来了革命性变革。QCL的独特优势在于其激射波长的宽泛调节...
FIGURE 21.Energy level diagram of the quantum cascade structure. (a) Diagonal transitions, (b) vertical transitions, (c) detailed energy diagram of the injector used in both vertical and diagonal cascade laser structures. There are many variations on these standard models of quantum cascading laser...
Figure 2.A conduction band energy diagram of a typical quantum cascade structure. Within the 100-nm span represented by the x-axis are alternating quantum wells and barriers and square moduli of wave functions at discrete energy levels. The optical transition of electrons from level 3 to level ...
and that confirms the outcome unpredictability of our chaotic signal. The 2D correlation diagrams represent the output power of the slave laser as a function of the output power of the master laser. For a perfect synchronization, the correlation diagram is a straight line with a positive slope ...
UniMir Multiple Wavelength Options Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), Wavelength Stabilized, 10-17um, up to 20mW LD Module, Single Emitter, QCL, DFB, Narrow Linewidth PowerMir 4000, 4600, 4800, 9400 Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), Spectrally Multimode, QCW, 4-9µm, up to 1.5W LD Module, ...