Research methodsResearch designLeadershipThis article reviews a large number of articles that derive from qualitative research on leadership that were published prior to 2004 in peer-reviewed journals. The article then goes on to examine critically but appreciatively the ways in which qualitative ...
The paper provides an overview of published qualitative research in the field of corporate governance based on a structured literature search of papers published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals between 1986 and 2011. Research Findings/Insights A fine-grained search based on key words resulted in ...
The query has been limited to the Scopus database, since it is recognised as the biggest repository of peer-reviewed literature with over 5000 publishers and over 71 million records fairly balanced among technical and social aspects of science (Elsevier 2018). Following an inductive process on abs...
Peer Review reports Background Methods to synthesise qualitative research began with the recognition that providing evidence-based healthcare and health policy requires a range of evidence beyond that provided by the ‘rationalist’ model of systematic reviewing of quantitative research [1]. Qualitative ...
Peer Review reports Background Incorporating qualitative methods into infection control and other applied health research has been increasing in recent years because these methods can add richness and explanation to complex systems in a way that cannot be described through quantitative variables [1, 2]...
Studies closed to recruitment between January 2010 and December 2015 were reviewed and classified as using qualitative, quantitative, mixed, or other methods by two independent assessors. If there was uncertainty in relation to the research method used the principal investigator was contacted. We then...
research integrating biometrics, facial coding, eye tracking, reaction time testing and other new advanced methods in better understanding the emotional dimensions of human response. Dr. Varan is the recipient of numerous awards, over 80 peer-reviewed publications and is an accomplished research pioneer...
Choose BMC and benefit from: • fast, convenient online submission • thorough peer review by experienced researchers in your field • rapid publication on acceptance • support for research data, including large and complex data types • gold Open Access which fosters wider collaboration and...
of qualitative health research, guided by a narrative review of the published literature on qualitative guidelines and standards from peer-reviewed journals and national funding organisations that support health services research, patient-centered outcomes research and other applied health research fields. In...
Not empirical study/not published in peer reviewed journal/full text unavailable 296 Not mixed method report/both data sets not presented or retrievable 287 Not healthcare research 88 Analysis/findings not clearly describeda 4 a Due to lack of clarity in these papers method and/or result prese...