The Qualcomm® Hexagon™ SDK is designed to enable device manufacturers and independent software providers to optimize the features and performance of multimedia software. Product license agreement ResourcesDiscord Hexagon SDK Windows & Linux These optimizations help allow audio, imaging, embedded vision...
The Qualcomm® Hexagon™ SDK is designed to enable device manufacturers and independent software providers to optimize the features and performance of multimedia software. Product license agreement ResourcesDiscord Log in to download Hexagon SDK Windows & Linux These optimizations help allow audio, imag...
The Hexagon SDK is a software development kit that enables embedded developers to access embedded computing resources on the Hexagon NPU. Using the Hexagon SDK, cutting-edge developers with expertise working in native programming environments can tap into world-class, hardware-enabled multimedia features...
The Hexagon SDK is a software development kit that enables embedded developers to access embedded computing resources on the Hexagon NPU. Using the Hexagon SDK, cutting-edge developers with expertise working in native programming environments can tap into world-class, hardware-enabled multimedia features...
如果没有HVX,应用需将数据读取到DDR内存,然后由CPU读取DDR执行计算,这样,在真正的处理还没有开始之前就消耗了数十毫瓦电量,并且造成DDR内存往返延迟。利用Hexagon SDK 3.0,您可以在Hexagon DSP的HVX中直接处理流式传输,避免临时存储,省却传输步骤,而且还不用涉及到CPU。
5. SDK 5.1 AI Engine SDK 5.2 Snapdragon Ride SDK 5.3 ADAS SDK 5.4 Telematics SDK 5.5 TelAF 5.5 NN SDK 5.6 MachineVision SDK 5.7 QCV SDK 5.8 Hexagon DDP SDK 5.9 Adreno SDK 5.10 Space SDK 5.11 LTE Broadcast SDK 5.12 LTE IoT SDK 6. Toolchain 6.1 AIMET 6.2 LLVM-Andriod 6.3 Profiler 6.4...
HexagonSDK location定义了SDK的路径 Projecttype定义了输出表,我们在这里选择Executable(也就是exe可执行...
1. Click on the following link and choose theQualcomm Package Manager - Linux v2.0option to download the Linux version of the Qualcomm Package Manager, that will be used to install the Hexagon SDKHexagon_DSP_SDK_Linux. Note A tar package will be downloaded with a name similar to the foll...
FastCV 通过使用优化后的FastCV动态库,允许用户开发DSP加速的计算机视觉应用程序。Hexagon SDK包含以下...
注册高通开发者账号,下载最新的Hexagon SDK 3.0版。大概600M+ 搭好梯子。因为安装过程中要下载Android NDK,eclipse for Hexagon,Python,hexagon tools这四个组件,在温暖的大家庭里面是下载不了的。到最后安装好了之后,默认安装路径C:\\Qualcomm\这个文件夹大概有5.35个G。