# 解压安装包 hexagon_sdk_lnx_3_5_installer_00006_1.zip# 在解压后的目录下进行如下操作sudo chmod a+x ./qualcomm_hexagon_sdk_3_5_4_eval.bin ./qualcomm_hexagon_sdk_3_5_4_eval.bin C. SDK 目录介绍 SDK 根目录 hexagon_sdk 目录 tools 目录 hexagon_sdk tools 目录 tools/HEXAGON_Tools 目录 ...
The Hexagon SDK is a software development kit that enables embedded developers to access embedded computing resources on the Hexagon NPU. Using the Hexagon SDK, cutting-edge developers with expertise working in native programming environments can tap into world-class, hardware-enabled multimedia features...
ln -s ~/soft/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK_new/ /home/zz/work/docker-compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer-v1/HexagonSDK/ 干脆拷贝算了, 2.5Gcp -R ~/soft/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK_new/ ~/work/docker-compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer-v1/Tools ...
SDKs (visualisation and analysis)Build high-performance maps and applications for 2D and 3D data visualisation and analysis.Visualising the impact of pollution on public health Discover how Integrytis uses Hexagon’s SDKs for visualising and analysing pollution in real time. Read more Ready to ...
On this page Introduction Hexagon SDK Windows & Linux The Qualcomm® Hexagon™ SDK is designed to enable device manufacturers and independent software providers to optimize the features and performance of multimedia software. Product license agreement ResourcesDiscord Hexagon SDK Windows & Linux These...
The Hexagon SDK is also designed to enable high computational burdens on the CPU to be off-loaded into a heterogeneous computing environment with the use of shared remote code objects. Features developed on the Hexagon NPU have been deployed by a broad OEM ecosystem that extends to device and ...
如果没有HVX,应用需将数据读取到DDR内存,然后由CPU读取DDR执行计算,这样,在真正的处理还没有开始之前就消耗了数十毫瓦电量,并且造成DDR内存往返延迟。利用Hexagon SDK 3.0,您可以在Hexagon DSP的HVX中直接处理流式传输,避免临时存储,省却传输步骤,而且还不用涉及到CPU。
1回答 尝试编译和链接存根和框架时,在Open Q 820 Snapdrag820 Hexagon 3.2上构建时出错我正在尝试按照file:///C:/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.2/docs/calculator_android.html中的说明运行六角形DSP SDK的计算器示例这是我得到的: C:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\
Hexagon SDK 是一个软件开发工具包,开发者可以通过它访问Hexagon DSP上的计算资源。 Hexagon DSP示例 特性 加速多媒体处理 加速骁龙处理器内置的Hexagon DSP上音频、图像、嵌入式视觉和异构计算的处理,从而帮助设备生产商和独立软件提供商创建有竞争力的多媒体用户体验。
从去年1月份开始,我们提供了一个编译器和库,利用Hexagon SDK在DSP编程时使用C++语言。现在,在SDK 3.3.2中,我们更新了编译器工具链,允许在Hexagon DSP上执行以C++ 11/14编写的框架和算法。 这就意味着无需重新编写这些算法,就可以直接为DSP重新编译,并在Hexagon上运行。这是第一个巨大的进步,您会看到性能提升和...