arithmetic meanToader meanquadratic meancomplete elliptic integralIn this paper, we present the best possible parameters α , β∈ R and λ , μ∈ ( 1 / 2 , 1 ) such that the double inequalities α N A Q ( a , b ) + ( 1 − α ) A ( a , b ) 0 with a ≠ b , where...
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Furthermore, sup E eÈth~Y ~iÉ sup E eÈth~Y ~1iÉ X CC Thus, juj2 sup E eÈth~Y ~ia2É X C Applying the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality we have E eÈth~Y ~ia2É n E E ~ j eÈth ~ jY ~ia2É j...
A quadratic equation is an equation, where atleast one term should be squared. The maximum degree of the equation must be two. For example, 5x2+3x+3 =0. In this case, the highest order of the equation is 2. So, the given equation is a quadratic equation. ...
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Mean Square Errorr 假设reduction error和rounding error是独立的。因此,截断乘法的总均方误差是每个误差的均方值的和。 为了分别计算这两个误差,给每个误差项分配一个partial correction constant,两个C的和等于总校正常数c,eduction error和rounding error的部分校正常数被选择为: ...
Sometimes the phone transmission goes even up to 3.4 kHz. The HiFi range goes fromf1= 20 Hz tof2= 20000 Hz. The correctcenter frequency isf0= 632.5 Hz (!) as geometric meanand not the value 10.01 kHz of the arithmetic mean calculation. Look here: ...
Li J F,Qian W M,Chu Y M.Sharp bounds for Toader mean in terms of arithmetic,quadratic,and Neuman means[J].J Inequal Appl,2015:277.Li J F, Qian W M and Chu Y M. Sharp bounds for Toader mean in terms of arithmetic, quadratic, and Neuman means[J]. J Inequal Appl, ...