Arithmetic Mean is the average value of a set of numbers. Learn how to find the Arithmetic Mean of a Series using formula along with solved examples.
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I have basic questions in the very fundamental definition of division. When we write 10÷210÷2, the meaning is 1010 is divided into 22 equal parts and how much of 1010 is distributed in each part. The answer is 55. But when we write 3÷0.53÷0.5, 33 is divided into 0.50.5 equal ...
(Mathematics) an average value of a set of integers, terms, or quantities, expressed as their sum divided by their number:the arithmetic mean of 3, 4, and 8 is 5. Often shortened to:meanAlso called:averageComparegeometric mean Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject Ask a Homework Question Tutors available Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed ...
The arithmetic mean of two positive numbers a and b is the number (a+b)/2. Show that the value of c in the conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem for f(x) = x2 on any interval [a,b] is c = (a+b)/2. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 ...
3 Answers Sorted by: 1 That's a bit hard to understand but this is what I think: "fraction numerator 48 over denominator square root of 16 to the power of begin display style 3 over 2 end style end exponent end root end fraction" (4816√)3/2=(484)3/2=123/2=(23–√)3=243...
Or, the arithmetic mean could be used to determine a moving average for a stock price. A moving average is helpful for traders and investors because, when calculated and plotted over time, it smooths out a long series of price movements to present a big picture of a price trend. Market ...
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