y=@(x)4*a*sqrt(1-(c/a)^2*sin(x).^2);这就定义了这样的一个以x为自变量的函数y,但是与用function来定义的函数不同,它在matlab里没有函数名,并且只存在于内存中(关掉matlab后就被删除了)。之后直接积分就可以 true=quad(y,0,2*pi,1e-8);你用这个y='4*a*sqrt(1-(c/a)^2...
[Q,fcnt] = quadv(...)returns the number of function evaluations. The list below contains information to help you determine which quadrature function in MATLAB®to use: Thequadfunction might be most efficient for low accuracies with nonsmooth integrands. Thequadlfunction might be more efficient...
[Q,fcnt] = quadv(...)returns the number of function evaluations. The list below contains information to help you determine which quadrature function in MATLAB®to use: Thequadfunction might be most efficient for low accuracies with nonsmooth integrands. ...
quad()函数使用错误。正确的格式应为 Q = quad(fun,a,b)fun——自定义函数 a,b——积分上下区间 ga_equation_group.m文件部分可内容按下面要求更改。func=@(x)x.^2*exp(-(log(x)-var(1)).^2/(2*var(2).^2))f1=quad(func,0,4.3e-04)-316/var(3)f2=quad(func,4.3e-04,6...
关于matlab的quad函数 y='4*a*sqrt(1-(c/a)^2*sin(x)^2))';true=quad(y,0,2*pi,10^-6);输入样指令总出现下错误??? Error using ==> inline.subsref at 14Not enough inputs to inline function.Error in ==> quad at 77y = f(x, varargin{:});Error in ==> Untitled5 at 9tr
functionf=fsen(x)f=x.^2;%记得加点哦 在命令窗中输入:>>[Q,n]=quad(@fsen,0,2)就得到如下...
我想用quad求一个函数的数值积分 函数是 function f=fun1(n) % p(x1>=n*tao)F=0;tao=1;tao1...
This function is an adaptation of Matlab's "quad" function to return the cumulative integration of an analytical function. e.g. compute integral: I(t) = int(0..t)[1/(tau^3 - 2*tau - 5) d_tau] for t=0..3 [I, t] = cumquad(@(tau) 1./(tau.^3-2*tau-5), 0, 3); ...
ThesubQuadfunction enables refinement of quadrangulated data. The quadrilateral faces defined by the patch format data F (faces) and V (vertices). Each face is split n times using the specified split method (splitMethod). The user may request the following outputs: The new faces: Fs The ...
Function rel_entr_quad(x,y)x.*log(x./y)convex in (x,y) quantum_entr(X)-trace(X*logm(X))concave in X quantum_rel_entr(X,Y)trace(X*(logm(X)-logm(Y)))convex in (X,Y) trace_logm(X,C)trace(C*logm(X))concave in X ...