如果CMake项目已经包含了.qrc文件并且正确地配置了Qt Resource System,那么就不需要在应用程序中显式加载.qrc文件或资源。Qt会自动加载并处理资源,可以像使用任何其他资源一样使用它们,例如使用“:/”语法访问qrc中的资源。 # C++ 代码加载示例 - ## 加载PNG ```cpp //注意,在加载PNG文件时,我们使用了一个冒号...
### 1. 在 CMakeLists.txt 中包含 Qt5 基础模块 在你的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件的开头,确保你已经找到并包含了 Qt5 的基础模块,这通常涉及到 `Core` 和可能的其他模块,例如 `Gui`, `Widgets` 等,取决于你的项目需要。 ```cmake find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets REQUIRED) ``` ### ...
首先,确保在你的 CMakeLists.txt 文件中找到合适的位置包含 Qt5 的 CMake 模块,通常这通过 `find_package` 函数完成: ```cmake find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets REQUIRED) ``` 这里`Core`, `Gui`, `Widgets` 是根据你项目的需要,可能还需要包含其他如 `Network`, `Qml`, `Quick` 等模块。
I have a Qt Quick project that uses CMake as its build system. I mostly went with the Qt Creator-generated CMake project, so I have set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) in my root CMakeLists.txt. I recently learned about ahead-of-time compiling for QML resources which is sup...
Package Name/Version: qt/5.15.2 Operating System+version: MacOS 10.15.4 Compiler+version: apple-clang 12.0 Conan version: conan 1.33.0 Python version: Python 3.8.2 Conan profile (output of conan profile show default or conan profile show...
Better yet, is it possible to tell CMake to call rcc only once from its main make file so that qrc_Icon32.cpp is later available for all targets? I guess a workaround would be to create a static library that would be the only one using ${RESOURCES} and then to ...
But after call cmake, I get an error: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info --...
Back to CMake and qt_add_qml_module: Porting 20 apps I have to go step-by-step and the first step is gettingthe apps compile and run with CMake. The only way seems to be to load from URL instead from Module and todeal with the foot gun using RESOURCE_PREFIX and NO_RESOURCE_TARGE...
1) moving to CMake 2) formally defining the QML modules in CMake 3) fixing all the QML so it works within the rules 4) going back to CMake to fix the module definitions according to the *allowed* additional properties having considered their exacting requirements and ...