在classA中include class B,然后定义成员变量的时候,报错unknown type name了。 一共有两种可能造成这种问题: 1.circle include,同时在classA中include ClassB;在ClassB中引用ClassA。 2.在ClassA中引用了其他跟ClassB的ifndef宏相同的头文件,也会导致编译器跳过ClassB的引用。
qtunknowntypename编译报错记录 qtunknowntypename编译报错记录在classA中include class B,然后定义成员变量的时候,报错unknown type name了。⼀共有两种可能造成这种问题:1.circle include,同时在classA中include ClassB;在ClassB中引⽤ClassA。2.在ClassA中引⽤了其他跟ClassB的ifndef宏相同的头⽂件,也会...
1.circle include,同时在classA中include ClassB;在ClassB中引用ClassA。 2.在ClassA中引用了其他跟ClassB的ifndef宏名相同的头文件,也会导致编译器跳过ClassB的引用。 qt unknown type name编译报错记录 - ligiggy - 博客园 尤其注意第二种情况,较容易忽视去改变宏名。编辑...
QModbusClient *modbus_client = nullptr;//mainwindow.h:32:5: error: unknown type name 'QModbusClient',记得前置申明
I work with a cmake based QT project and use Sublime as IDE (I work on a Mac). Your plugins works like a charm, except for the Qt part, where it does not seem to correctly resolve some of the QT includes (e.g. "unknown type name" error for QToolButton and other widgets). ...
安装Qt工具包 sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools 安装Qt Creator sudo apt-get install qtcreator 安装Qt5 sudo apt-get install qt5* 二、BUG汇总 问题:unknown type name 'QCoreApplication' 解决:帮助 - 关于插件 - C++ - 取消勾选ClangCodeModel ...
unknown type name 'QApplication' 代码中出现类似 unknown type name 'QApplication' 的报错。 但是构建没有问题,能run程序。 解决:帮助->关于插件->C++,去掉 Clang Code Model 那个勾,然后重启QtCreator Greatness is never a given, it must be earned....
错误C2664 “QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connectImpl(const QObject *,void **,const QObject *,void **,QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *,Qt::ConnectionType,const int *,const QMetaObject *)”: 无法将参数 5 从“unknown-type”转换为“QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase ” (编译源文件 WndTrajectories....
subProperty = m_manager->addProperty(type, propertyName); } subProperty->setValue(metaProperty.read(m_object)); } else { subProperty = m_readOnlyManager->addProperty(QVariant::String, propertyName); subProperty->setValue(QLatin1String("< Unknown Type >")); ...
Bug description Following the install instructions here. When running the make command several compilation errors are present: In file included from src/schemaparser.cpp:19: src/schemaparser.h:49:16: error: unknown type name 'QRegExp' st...