Qt5中this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way 无法运行问题的解决 在windows平台使用Qt5.8mingw版写出的程序,在Qt中运行正常,而以release的形式编译并且补充完必要的dll文件后,在其他电脑上运行出现了以下问题: 经过查阅许多资料和亲身实验,终于解决了这一问题,简单的说,需要...
Qt5中thisapplicationhasrequestedtheruntimetote。。。 在windows平台使⽤Qt5.8mingw版写出的程序,在Qt中运⾏正常,⽽以release的形式编译并且补充完必要的dll⽂件后,在其他电脑上运⾏出现了以下问题: 经过查阅许多资料和亲⾝实验,终于解决了这⼀问题,简单的说,需要在含exe程序的⽂件夹中...
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 的错误。 即: 错误是由于一个Qt5应用程序发布时,要自带一些.dll文件到该exe所在的文件路径当中,比如: 尤其是platforms文件夹,要在Windows系统下运行,必须要加这个文件夹,而且名称必须是platforms,里面应包含:qminimald.dll和qwindows...
在开发机器上正常运行。发布到客户机器上时,即使拷贝了“所有”依赖的动态链接库,还是报错。 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. 1. 2. 最直接的方法是将Qt的plugins目录拷贝到程序目录。可以参见...
Windows下Qt发布报Runtime Error的解决办法 在开发机器上正常运行。发布到客户机器上时,即使拷贝了“所有”依赖的动态链接库,还是报错。 1 2 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information....
this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 解决办法: 1. 在运行目录下新建qt.conf qt.conf 内容 [Paths] Prefix=./ Libraries=./ Plugins=./plugins 2. copy所需的动态库文件 2013/04/24 09:17 2,106,216 D3DCompiler_43.dll ...
this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 解决办法: 1. 在运行目录下新建qt.conf qt.conf 内容 [Paths] Prefix=./ Libraries=./ Plugins=./plugins 2. copy所需的动态库文件 2013/04/24 09:17 2,106,216 D3DCompiler_43.dll ...
36、p/Project/Qt_creator/vtkThis application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the applications support team for more information.mingw32-make1: * debug/main.o Error 3mingw32-make: * debug Error 2Exited with code 2.Error while building project vtkWhe...
qt发布程序后报错thisapplicationhasrequestedtheruntimetoterminate...,dependencyworker提示缺少一堆api-ms-win*.dll已经用qt自带的发布工具发布过了,到不同的机器上提示缺少不同... qt发布程序后报错this application has requested the runtime to terminate...,dependency worker提示缺少一堆api-ms-win*.dll已经用...
Runtime Error!Program:C:\cg\mycom.exeThis application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more information.检测工具检测到的所有的依赖*.dll都加了;Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 运行库、2008、2010都安装了;Qt5.0.2编译程序时没...