Qt5中thisapplicationhasrequestedtheruntimetote。。。 在windows平台使⽤Qt5.8mingw版写出的程序,在Qt中运⾏正常,⽽以release的形式编译并且补充完必要的dll⽂件后,在其他电脑上运⾏出现了以下问题: 经过查阅许多资料和亲⾝实验,终于解决了这⼀问题,简单的说,需要在含exe程序的⽂件夹中...
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 的错误。 即: 错误是由于一个Qt5应用程序发布时,要自带一些.dll文件到该exe所在的文件路径当中,比如: 尤其是platforms文件夹,要在Windows系统下运行,必须要加这个文件夹,而且名称必须是platforms,里面应包含:qminimald.dll和qwindows...
this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 解决办法: 1. 在运行目录下新建qt.conf qt.conf 内容 [Paths] Prefix=./ Libraries=./ Plugins=./plugins 2. copy所需的动态库文件 2013/04/24 09:17 2,106,216 D3DCompiler_43.dll 2013/04/24 09:17 18,025,758 ...
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library this application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 解决办法: 1. 在运行目录下新建qt.conf qt.conf 内容 [Paths] Prefix=./ Libraries=./ Plugins=./plugins 2. copy所需的动态库文件 ...
Qt5中this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way 无法运行问题的解决 2017-04-11 16:00 −在windows平台使用Qt5.8mingw版写出的程序,在Qt中运行正常,而以release的形式编译并且补充完必要的dll文件后,在其他电脑上运行出现了以下问题: 经过查阅许多资料和亲身实验,终于解决了...
(1); pe.event->m_posted = false; delete pe.event; } } thisThreadData->postEventList.clear(); thisThreadData->postEventList.recursion = 0; thisThreadData->quitNow = false; threadData_clean = true; } } void QCoreApplicationPrivate::createEventDispatcher() { Q_Q(QCoreApplication); Q...
Qt 是一个跨平台C++图形界面开发库,利用Qt可以快速开发跨平台窗体应用程序,在Qt中我们可以通过拖拽的方式将不同组件放到指定的位置,实现图形化开发极大的方便了开发效率,本章将重点介绍如何运用QNetworkAccessManager组件实现Web网页访问。
Let's open the example project in QtCreator to see how this application runs. Let's go back to the directory we just downloaded using the git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtmqtt.git -b 6.6.2 command and go into the sample project directory for simpleclient: cd qtmqtt cd examples/mqtt...
This case can happen when a 26 // promise is resolved after the app is requested to close, in which case 27 // we should not trigger any error and skip that notification. 28 return; 29 } 30 31 Q_ASSERT_X(target, "postMetaCall", "Target thread must have an event loop"); 32 Q...